101 |
native korean translator, english to korean, gaming, localization, translation, editing, proofreading, transcription
102 |
localization, user manuals, technical writing, legal, financial, IT, computer, insurance, immigration, fast, ...
103 |
ArrayMédia / multimédia, Internet, e-Commerce, Vojsko / obrana
104 |
ArrayMedicína: léčiva, Automobily / auta & kamióny, Doprava / přeprava / spedice, Ropná technologie/věda, ...
105 |
Korean native, Business, e-Commerce, Cosmetic, Games, Tourism, Beverages & spirit, manufacturing report, manufacturing and packaging order, Product descriptions, ...
106 |
Soon Bee KwonNative in korejština (Variants: Gyeongsang, South Korea)
Korean, Cosmetic, Tourism, Hotel, Food, Baverage, Health Supplement, Retail, Game, Casino, ...
107 |
Korean, English, Translation
108 |
ArrayTextil / oděvy / móda, Vojsko / obrana, Doprava / přeprava / spedice, Internet, e-Commerce, ...
109 |
ArrayZeměměřičství, Hospodářská zvířata / chov dobytka, Umění, umělecká řemesla, malířství, Automobily / auta & kamióny, ...
110 |
Korean, French, English, Law, legal, agreements, NDA, Warranty Card, Articles of Corporation, Certificate of Businiess Registration, ...
111 |
game, game script, UI translation, software, IT manual, website translation, marketing, localization, tourism, cosmetics, ...
112 |
Marketing Market research and contents
Medical(Life science) Pharmaceuticals, medication for diabetes
Biotechnology Microbiology, marine biology
Food/Beverage Coffee
Sports Yoga
Tourism Hospitality, attractions, hotel, tour program
General Conversation
113 |
ArrayPočítače (obecně), Počítače: software, IT (informační technologie), Psychologie, ...
114 |
ArrayVojsko / obrana, Medicína (obecně), Medicína: zdravotní péče, Medicína: nástroje a přístroje, ...
115 |
Hyung Chan Ko (X)Native in korejština
English to Korean, Korean to English, localization, translation, marketing, engineering, desktop publishing, website localization
116 |
ArrayVojsko / obrana, Materiály (plasty, keramika atd.), IT (informační technologie), Internet, e-Commerce, ...
117 |
En-Kr, native Korean, Marketing/Market Research, Advertising, Surveying, Tourism & Travel, Journalism, Food & Drink, Cosmetics, Beauty, ...
118 |
ArrayZeměměřičství, Umění, umělecká řemesla, malířství, Tisk & nakladatelství, Internet, e-Commerce, ...
119 |
Korean, technology, IT, automotive, software, design, user experience, user manuals, books
120 |
English, Korean, trade, ships, maritime, surveying, insurance, contracts, e-commerce, gaming, ...