Job closed
This job was closed at May 1, 2024 04:50 GMT.

Freelancer needed for K-12 Science Copyediting - Indonesian

Zadáno: Apr 30, 2024 05:05 GMT   (GMT: Apr 30, 2024 05:05)

Job type: Potenciální zakázka
Services required: Education, Copywriting
Confidentiality level: MEDIUM

Jazyky: indonéština

Popis zakázky:
*Please read the description carefully*

Target Locale - Indonesian
Contract type - freelancers.
Project Duration - May-July
Number of files - TBC

Job Description
Experienced copy editor who has successfully copyedited K-12 textbooks to work on client’s online platform. LMS experience a must. Require someone with a background in high school science, such as Biology, Physics, or Chemistry. The copy editor ensures editorial quality and consistency for all content and collaborates with content edit and other project teams to enhance readability, maintain style consistency, and identify/correct grammatical and typographical errors in both content and images.

● Identify and fix typographical errors and double or missing words.
● Read through online lessons, making changes as necessary in grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, syntax, and tone/voice.
● Ensure that content targets the local audience.
● Review style and lesson components against client style guide, copyediting checklist, and writing guidelines.
● Proofread alternative text (alt text) for adherence to guidelines/sense.
● Use provided project management tool (e.g., Smartsheet) to record status of work.

● Bachelor’s degree
● Keen eye for correct grammar, spelling, and style inconsistencies
● Experience working with client style guides and Chicago Manual of Style
● Knowledge of editing and proofreading
● Proficiency with Microsoft Office and Google Docs/Sheets
● Ability to multitask effectively and work in a fast-paced, deadline-driven environment
● Ability to use online meeting software, such as Zoom and Google Meet
● Above-average performance on the LearningMate copyediting test or proven prior experience
● Experience editing content from non-native writers to read properly for an American English K12 audience.
● Knowledge of editorial processes and workflows
● Subject-area knowledge for higher-level science courses such as Biology, Physics, or Chemistry

Scope of Work:
Review lesson content (text, images, videos, and audio) in client’s platform and in documents (e.g., Google documents, Google Sheets) checking for spelling, language, grammar, punctuation, consistency of tone, and consistency of formatting/style on all lessons/courses per client’s style guide.
Follow the Copy Editor’s Checklist for specific items not in the client’s style guide and maintain a personal style sheet related to the project, which can be copied and pasted from the Checklist’s Google Doc and added to as necessary.
Gain familiarity and follow the writing guidelines, which are proprietary to the client's platform and contain boilerplate directions and other directives not in the style guide or Copy Editor’s Checklist.
Attend internal meetings as needed for training and informational purposes.

Materials Provided:
Access/links to project management tool and client’s online platform
Client style guide, copy editor checklist, client’s writing guidelines, training session recordings and PPTs, and assorted reference materials available on the project’s editorial drive

Poster country: Thajsko

Kritéria výběru poskytovatele služeb (určuje zadavatel zakázky):
Členství: Nečlenové mohou zasílat nabídky po 12 hodinách
info Požadovaná oblast specializace: Věda
info Požadovaný rodný jazyk: indonéština
Obor: Vzdělávání / pedagogika
info Požadované místo pobytu předkladatele nabídky: Indonésie
Termín odeslání nabídky: May 1, 2024 04:50 GMT
O zadavateli:
This job was posted by a Business member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 5 out of 5

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.

Počet obdržených nabídek: 0 (Job closed)