Job closed
This job was closed at Mar 27, 2024 07:58 GMT.

English-Spanish (European), Trados, mobile phone UI, GLodom

Zadáno: Mar 21, 2024 09:55 GMT   (GMT: Mar 21, 2024 09:55)

Job type: Zakázka na překlad, úpravu textu nebo korekturu
Services required: Translation, Checking/editing

Jazyky: angličtina -> španělština

Popis zakázky:
Dear linguist,

This is Alice, the VM of Glodom.
Here is our company’s URL link: [HIDDEN]

I'm writing to explore whether there is some chance for us to establish cooperation.
The contents are about UI.
It's a long-term are 3-5 tasks per week, mostly consisting of hundreds of words, sometimes with small tasks of dozens of words. We do not accept the minimum charge.
The language pair is from English to Spanish (European).

Please see below some initial information:
Content: UI
Language: English to Spanish (European)
Feature: Besides email contact, Skype communication is necessary
Tool: Trados

For now:
If you are interested in the above position and are willing to pass the short sample test in the UI field.

As a next step, can you please let us know the below:
1/ How many years of translation experience do you have in the UI field?
2/ What kind of documents and content types have you translated in this field?
3/ May I ask how many words have been translated in this field?
4/ What clients have you collaborated in this field? If you cannot mention specific names, please use generic names.
5/ Have you ever used Trados?Besides, could you use any other CAT tools?
6/ Could you kindly confirm what would be your preferred standard rate per new word for translation and editing?
7/ Could you kindly share me one piece of your detailed resume?

Best regards,

Poster country: Čína

Kritéria výběru poskytovatele služeb (určuje zadavatel zakázky):
Členství: Nečlenové mohou zasílat nabídky po 12 hodinách
Obor: IT (informační technologie)
Termín odeslání nabídky: Mar 30, 2024 16:00 GMT
Termín odevzdání: Dec 30, 2024 16:00 GMT
O zadavateli:
This job was posted by a Business member with a Blue Board record with a "likelihood of working again" average rating of 4.7 out of 5

Note: You cannot quote because this job is closed.