791 registrants

4th Lawyer Linguist virtual event

Dec 9, 2015

Virtual conference speakers »

Maribel Castell

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Speaker details

Bio:Maribel Castell is Freelance translator of financial and legal documents for companies that are focused on international trade, as Logfret Spain S.L. or DHL.
Web content editor in english for lawyers, Muñoz de Morales, Advocats or building companies located in Andalucia that are trying to sell abroad
  • Coordination and amendment
  • Elaboration of risk management reports.
Translations for online companies and Institutions, as World Health Organization, depeding on United Nations, Documentation Science Foundation and Foundation Madreselva.
The legal background taken in companies as ABN AMRO Bank (Bank of Scotland) and Siemens Renting, have helped her to be a complete legal and financial contract/documents reviser. Part of ICAM (Advocats) Bar, 2.012

4th Lawyer Linguist virtual event (This event)