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čeština -> angličtina: Directions for repair of load-bearing elements of airframe structure General field: Technika/strojírenství Detailed field: Letectví / kosmonautika / vesmír
Zdrojový text - čeština (19) Podle místa na konstrukci se rozlišují tyto typy záplat:
(a) Povrchové záplaty. Jsou nejjednodušší a lze je použít všude, kde nezáleží na hladkosti povrchu tj. všude kromě náběžných hran křídla, stabilizátoru a kýlu. Po úpravě tvaru záplaty orýsujte nýtová otvory a tyto předvrtejte vrtákem o číslo větším než jsou použité nýty. Záplatu přiložte k potahu a vyvrtejte čtyři rohové otvory vrtákem pro použité nýty. Záplatu přichyťte technologickými šrouby agrafami a vyvrtejte ostatní otvory. Při větší záplatě použijte další agrafy. Nejdřív nýtujte nýty v rozích, potom uprostřed mezi rohy a nakonec ostatní nýty.
Překlad - angličtina (19) The following types of patches are used according to the part of the structure to be repaired:
(a) Surface patches. The most common type which can be used in all places where smooth surface is not a concern, i.e. anywhere except on the wing, stabilizer and fin leading edges. After a patch is cut to shape, rivet holes are to be marked and rough-drilled using a drill of the next bigger size than the rivets used. Locate the patch on the skin and drill four holes through the holes in the corners of the patch using a drill size corresponding to the rivets to be used. Attach the patch by means of temporary bolts (agraffes) and drill the remaining holes. Use more agraffes as necessary for a large patch. Rivets in the corners are to be riveted first, then the middle rivets between the corners and finally the remaining rivets.
Zdrojový text - čeština 4.1 Všeobecné požadavky
Organizace má v souladu s požadavky mezinárodní normy EN 9100:2003 vytvořen, dokumentován, uplatňován a udržován SMJ a snaží se neustále zlepšovat jeho efektivnost.
Veškeré firemní procesy jsou popsány v software Palstat, v modulu „Výcvik“. Zde je uvedena posloupnost jednotlivých procesů a jejich vzájemné působení pomocí popsání vstupů a výstupů až na subprocesy, tam, kde je to pro potřeby společnosti důležité. Zde jsou také stanoveny kritéria jednotlivých procesů, zdroje a informace potřebné pro procesy a způsob monitorování jednotlivých procesů. Snahou tohoto procesního nastavení je včas odhalovat případné slabé místa celého SMJ a přijímat opatření k dosažení plánovaných výsledků a jeho neustálé zlepšování.
Mapa procesů postihuje i smysl řízení externích (outsourcing) procesů, které mají vliv na shodu produktu s požadavky.
V případě využití outsourcovaných procesů RS zodpovídá za jejich řízení prostřednictvím níže uvedených procesů.
Mezi outsourcované procesy používané v naší společnosti patří povrchová úprava, obrábění, výroba systémových kabelů.
Překlad - angličtina 4.1 General Requirements
Our Organization has the Quality Management System (QMS) developed, documented, applied and maintained in accordance with EN 9100:2003 Standard requirements and makes constant effort to improve effectiveness of the System.
All the processes established within the company have been described by means of Palstat software, in the module called "Vycvik" (Training).
Here is described the sequence of individual processes and their interacting is given through describing the inputs and outputs towards the sub-processes where it is important for the Company purposes.
Also the criteria of individual processes are stated over here, along with the sources or information required for the processes, and the way of monitoring the individual processes.
The intention of this process setup is to discover in time any weak point (bottleneck) of the entire QMS and to take actions to achieve planned results, and also to improve the System continuously.
Map of processes affects also control meaning of outsourced processes, that might influence product conformity with requirements.
In case outsourced processes have been used, RS Company is fully responsible for its control through below
defined procedures and processes.
Basic outsourced processes used in our Company are surface modifications, specific machining and production of system cables.
Zdrojový text - čeština 5.4.2. Fine polishing (repair & maintenance only) : MANUAL
This manual process is recommended for repair & maintenance only. For mass production, automatic process is recommended.
For this manual polishing process, we do not recommend to use diamond paper, due to the risk to obtain not correct ferule shape, so not correct return loss. The polishing paper we recommend polishes only the fibre (not the ferule) . Consequently, it is important to follow the procedure not to polish too much the fibre and create high insertion loss.
This hand polishing process provides acceptable result. Nevertheless, the quality of the polishing is very far from the one obtained with automatic polishing machine. The criteria described on paragraph 6.3 is not guarantied with such a process.
Překlad - angličtina 5.4.2. Fine polishing (repair & maintenance only) : MANUAL
This manual process is recommended for repair & maintenance only. For mass production, automatic process is recommended.
For this manual polishing process, we do not recommend to use diamond paper, due to the risk to obtain not correct ferule shape, so not correct return loss. The polishing paper we recommend polishes only the fibre (not the ferule) . Consequently, it is important to follow the procedure not to polish too much the fibre and create high insertion loss.
This hand polishing process provides acceptable result. Nevertheless, the quality of the polishing is very far from the one obtained with automatic polishing machine. The criteria described on paragraph 6.3 is not guarantied with such a process.
Překladatelské vzdělání
Master's degree - Tomas Bata University, Czech Republic
Počet let praxe: 19. Registrován na Apr 2012.
Master Degree in Chemistry and Material Technology, graduated at Tomas Bata University in Zlin in the Czech Republic in June 2001.
Translations and proofreading service of general, technical and legal medical texts from English to Czech and vice versa (also from Slovak to English).
Trained in Translations for Aerospace and Automotive Sector, Technologies, Quality Manuals and Procedures, Ad Leaflets, Brochures, Certification Documentation, MSDS, Reports and Bulletins, Medical Reports and Texts, Judgements and Decisions, Agreements and Contracts, Hardware, Software, GSM Texts.
Technical Writer and Publication Specialist, Quality Engineer for Medical Devices and Measuring Instruments (ISO 9001, ISO 13485, ISO 17025), Surface Coating Technician at Aerospace Production.
Fields of Expertise - Material Engineering, Aerospace, and Automotive Industry, Medical Devices and Equipment, Software and Hardware, Art and Literature, Advertisement, Quality Terms and Definitions according to ISO 9001, ISO 17025, ISO 13485 standard requirements.
Skilled with: MS Office, Smartcat, Passolo, SDL Studio Trados 2014, ADOBE Photoshop, Framemaker, Acrobat, AUTOCAD - 3D VIA Composer
I can provide my VAT details upon request on a basis of EU regulations.
Klíčová slova: standards, manuals, leaflets, brochures, aerospace and automotive, technologic procedures, technical bulletins, MSDS, data sheets, reports. See more.standards, manuals, leaflets, brochures, aerospace and automotive, technologic procedures, technical bulletins, MSDS, data sheets, reports, software, medical devices, legal, law, birth certificate, judgment and decision, quality documentation. See less.