Členem od Dec '11

Pracovní jazyky:
angličtina -> čeština
čeština -> angličtina

Jiri Lonsky
Bilingual native Czech medical expert

Česká republika
Místní čas: 08:39 CET (GMT+1)

Rodný jazyk: čeština Native in čeština, angličtina Native in angličtina
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Druh účtu Nezávislý překladatel nebo tlumočník, Identity Verified Ověřený člen
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Služby Translation, Editing/proofreading
Medicína: léčivaVěda (obecně)
Medicína: zdravotní péčeMedicína (obecně)
Medicína: nástroje a přístrojeBiologie (-tech, -chem, mikro-)

All accepted currencies U. S. dollars (usd)
Aktivita KudoZ (PRO) Body stupně PRO: 1722, Počet zodpovězených otázek: 1059, Počet zadaných otázek: 47
Payment methods accepted Bankovní převod, PayPal
Portfolio Počet vložených ukázkových překladů: 5
Slovníčky Lonsky building glossary, Lonsky business glossary, Lonsky general glossary, Lonsky IT glossary, Lonsky legal glossary, Lonsky medical glossary, Lonsky science glossary, Lonsky sports glossary, Mechanics , Tech/Engineering
Překladatelské vzdělání Other - Master of Science, Masaryk University Brno, 1991
Praxe Počet let praxe: 34. Registrován na ProZ.com: Jul 2011. Počátek členství: Dec 2011.
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s)
Osvědčení angličtina -> čeština (Bachelor of Fine Arts, University of Kansas, 2001)
angličtina -> čeština (Special State Exam - Interpreters; CEFR C2 level, verified)
čeština -> angličtina (Special State Exam - Interpreters; CEFR C2 level, verified)
Členství ITI, JTP
Software MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, ApSIC Xbench, Microsoft Office 2011, OpenOffice, SDL Passolo Essential 2011 , Passolo, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Translation Workspace, XTM
CV/Resume angličtina (PDF)
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Profesní postupy Jiri Lonsky podporuje ProZ.com's Profesní pravidla.


My name is Jiri Lonsky, and I specialize in the field of medical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and life sciences translations. I am a native Czech speaker presently living in the Czech Republic, but I have near-native command of English acquired over 20 years of life in the USA. There, I added a Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) to my original Master of Science degree in molecular biology and genetics.


English to Czech – translation, back-translation, harmonization, proofreading, editing, validation and more complex LQA procedures.
Czech to English – translation and editing assignments from majority of my partner LSPs reflect their understanding of the importance of translator’s thorough and accurate comprehension of the source text.

SPECIALIZATION (Total 2012-2016 word counts per category and respective language pair)
Project category EN/CZ CZ/EN
Medical records: hospital discharge summaries; medical, hospital, patient transfer, examination, laboratory and autopsy reports 54,000 185,000
Medical technology: operation and maintenance manuals to medical and laboratory systems, devices and equipment 794,000 31,000
Medical publications: abstracts and articles for publication; published articles 13,000 58,000
Clinical trials - patient facing: informed consent forms and information sheets; patient diaries, reported outcomes; QoL questionnaries, scales, instruments 331,000 53,000
Clinical trials - physician facing: case report forms, clinical study reports, investigator's brochures, protocols 123,000 17,000
Clinical trials - regulatory: regulatory authorities decisions, ethics committees materials, core letters, educational materials 213,000 115,000
Clinical trials - agreements: clinical trial agreements, investigator and specialist agreements, medical device loan agreements, deeds of donation 83,000 76,000
Pharmaceuticals: product information leaflets, summary of product characteristics, labels, pharmacological reports, prescribing information 113,000 14,000
Science: non-medical articles for publication; scientific and research institutions reports, texts and websites; patent documentation 4,300 31,000

Across all categories, I process on average twice as many words of translation than proofreading, editing, revision and validation combined.

Detailed statistics for my secondary specializations (business and law; non-medical technology; ecology and environmental science) can be found in specific CVs available upon request.

Quality assurance is vitally important in medicine and pharmaceutical research; this applies no less to the associated translation work, where I habitually follow the guidelines and regulations issued by relevant Regulatory Authorities, such as the EDQM, the Czech State Institute for Drug Control or the US FDA, as well as current legislation. I refer to clinical trial registers for correct titles, adhere to MedDRA terminology and QRD templates. I use a variety of QC tools from Word spell check through CAT vocabulary and tag check features to specialized software such as ApSIC Xbench. My work complies with quality assurance standards EN 15038, ASTM F2575-06 and other applicable standards in the industry.

I work regularly with many top national and international language services providers, such as Corporate Translations and Lionbridge; I continue working for Nova and GLS, recently merged to form the life sciences division of Welocalize, as well as for KJ International and Merrill Brink after they became key 2016 acquisitions of the ambitious United Language Group. I also work for relatively smaller LSP’s, such as Adapt, Language Intelligence and Language Scientific, and for a number of end clients – mostly medical doctors and scientists – for whom I translate and edit publication manuscripts. My projects frequently involve the world’s top Contract Research Organizations, such as Covance, Icon, INC Research, Parexel, PPD, PRA Health Sciences and Quintiles. Major pharmaceutical companies – Astra-Zeneca, Abb-Vie, Gilead Sciences, Glaxo-Smith-Kline, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Novartis, Pfizer, Roche, and others stand out among the sponsors of these clinical trials.
Tento uživatel získal body KudoZ tím, že pomohl jiným překladatelům s termíny na úrovni PRO. Klepnutím na celkový počet bodů zobrazíte zadané překlady termínů.

Celk. počet bodů: 1802
Body úrovně PRO: 1722

Hlavní jazyky (PRO)
angličtina -> čeština1077
čeština -> angličtina645
Hlavní obecné obory (PRO)
Body v 4 dalších oborech >
Hlavní obory specializace (PRO)
Medicína (obecně)304
Mechanika / strojní inženýrství156
Právo: smlouvy87
Právo (obecně)82
Finance (obecně)51
Stavba / stavební inženýrství48
Chemie; Chem. věda/inženýrství48
Body v 65 dalších oborech >

Zobrazit všechny získané body >
Klíčová slova: czech, english, medical record, discharge summary, laboratory report, instructions for use, equipment manual, device, informed consent form, patient information sheet. See more.czech, english, medical record, discharge summary, laboratory report, instructions for use, equipment manual, device, informed consent form, patient information sheet, patient diary, questionnaire, case report form, clinical study report, investigator's brochure, protocol, clinical trial agreement, medical device loan agreement, deed of donation, regulatory decision, ethics committee, product information, summary of product characteristics, labels, prescribing information, pharmacological report, article for publication. See less.

Poslední aktualizace profilu
Nov 1, 2022