Freelancer's Futuristics Series : Managing Reputation for better income and more fulfilled professional and social life

Format: Videos
Topic: Personal branding

Course summary
Availability:This training is available on-demand

Duration: 60 minutes.

After you purchase access click here to watch the video.

Summary:Do you want to feel internally confident as a freelancer in the changing and tempting surroundings ? Do you want to manage your reputation - on-line and offline ? Do you want to harmonize the internal and external aspects to have the highest productive and fulfilling professional life ?
The webinar tackles the delicate issue of self-image of a freelancer. Self-image has internal and external components. Internal one means confidence and external one means reputation. Both can reinforce or cancel each other. The webinar, with the help of cross-cultural case studies analyses this less touched subject.

Further development:

Mar 9, 2012 Freelancer's Futuristics Series - Freelancer's Fear: Symptoms, Root-Cause Analysis, Self-treatment
Target audience
Aspirant Freelancers
Entering Freelancing from being an employee
Starting a Freelance career at any stage
Learning objectives
1. Feel confident - internally and socially
2. Feel part of a community and be reputed
3. Reputation in online world
4. Partnership without handshake
5. Be more productive, be a social catalyst rather than a worker in the corner office, commonly called home
6. To know and apply the wisdom that the world respects those who respect themselves
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The webinar has two parts

Module I provides a generic problem areas of a freelancer's internal self-image and facing external reputation

Module II gives a series of case studies and cross-cultural tips to lay bare various strategies deployed by freelancers to manage both. This module provides some tips and do-able strategies to have a reputation that builds a better one by a virtuous cycle
Registration and payment information
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Price: 15.00 USD

Click on the buy button on the right to purchase your seat Participation fee includes unlimited access to the recording. How do I purchase the video? To purchase your seat at this session please click on the "buy" button. After your payment is received, your status will be changed to “registered and paid” and an invoice and receipt of payment will be sent to you for your records. How do I access the video? Once the payment is processed you will be able to watch the video here.
Created by
Pritam Bhattacharyya    View feedback | View all courses
Bio: Pritam Bhattacharyya is essentially a Bengali/Sylheti/Assamese linguist with 11 years of experience. He is the Founder and Chief Wordsmith of an agency called Wordsmith Communication. which apart from language services in pan-Indic languages provides Creative Content and Print on Demand Services. He is editor of - a bilingual (English / Bengali) cultural monthly ezine on Greater Bengal. He had worked as a Telecom Engineer and later as a IP Network Manager in various cross-cultural Telecom teams worldwide. He holds his Bachelor's Degree in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering and Masters in Communication Management from Strathclyde Business School, Glasgow. Pritam lives and works in Calcutta, India his city by adoption. His b-log on translation and online business can be seen here at
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