Translation Glossaries from the Web
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The Illustrated Geological Dictionary - المعجم الجيولوجي المصور
Saudi Geological Survey Organisation - الهيئة السعودية للمسح الجيولوحي |
5-part illustrated dictionary in downloadable PDF
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. By Keith R. Long. In the course of CIMRI's work, we have found a need for a compilation of Spanish geological and mining terminology that goes beyond the few Spanish-English geological dictionaries available. Even geologists who are fluent in Spanish often encounter local terminology or jerg... View more
Consumer Expendeniture Survey Glossary
Bureau of Labor Statistics |
"This glossary is divided into four sections: Characteristics Expenditures Income and personal taxes Other financial information."
Glossary of Pay Terms
Bureau of Labor Statistics |
"This list provides definitions for various types of pay and explains whether they should be included or excluded when calculating wages for the purpose of filling out the GTP survey form."
Earthquake Glossary
U.S. Geological Survey |
Extensive glossary with explanations and pictures/graphs
Geotechnical glossary
National Technical University of Athens |
Στην ιστοσελίδα αυτή παρουσιάζεται ένα μέρος από την ορολογία που χρησιμοποιείται στην Γεωτεχνική Μηχανική με σκοπό την καλύτερη εξοικείωση με το αντικείμενο.
Component Software Glossary
Object Services and Consulting, Inc. |
glossary of terms central to component software
Multilingual Dictionary for speleological terminology in all languages
EIA glossary
EIA (US Energy Information Administration) |
Energy terms and definitions as used in EIA data, reports, presentations, and survey forms.
Television Audience Measuring Glossary
AGB Nielsen Media Research |
Television Audience Measurement Glossary: an item can be searched either in alphabetical order by easy reference sections. Both access methods provide a powerful free text search feature. Organisations of TAM Research TAM survey design, sampling methodology & statistical terms Peoplemeter TAM meter functions, data collection & processing TA... View more
Water Science Glossary of Terms
U.S. Geological Survey |
A List of water-related terms Links to Detailed Water-related Glossaries.
Good, wide-ranging glossary (EN>EN) on rock formation and other geological terminology
Comprehensive searchable dictionary E<>G on geological mapping, surveying, cartography, topography
Umfangreiches durchsuchbares Glossar von Begriffen und Abkürzungen aus Internet, Raumfahrt, Elektronik usw.
English - French Glossary of Technical Words for Mineral Surveyors, Geologists, Mining Engineers
Glossary for Mineral Surveyors, Geologists, Mining Engineers
Camborne School of Mines, University of Exeter |
For Mineral surveyors, geologists,mining engineers on field visits
University of Exeter school of mines |
Not too extensive, but accurate and useful