The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

latina -> angličtina Jiné Translation Glossary

latina term angličtina translation
Ad finem itineris longi venerunt They came to the end of their long journey.
cives boni officia publica suscipere non dubitant good citizens do not hesitate to undertake public duties/obligations
Consulendo adeus omnes Consulendo ad eos omnes
DETUR PONS MUNDO Building bridges to the world
Ex uno disce omnia from one (example), learn all
filiae obtinet holds (the place) as regards her daughter
fixus adversa sperno Resolute, I scorn misfortunes
H.S.E. hic situs est (here lies)
Entered by: liz askew
nec cum fiducia nec sine spe neither with confidence nor without hope
Nonne solus cedetur? - Reginae servandae defit. "He alone will be given up, won't he?" "It fails to save the queen."
ob numerum hostium qui in montibus erant, cives in castris remanserunt. Due to the number of enemies in the mountains, the people remained within the fortress
paraeciae parish
Entered by: liz askew
quam solam Regia Majestas in omnibus scholis docendam praecipit which alone His/Her Royal Majesty instructs to be taught in all schools
quem ibidem whom/which in the same place/at the same moment
translati transferred/translated/reported/copied
Usum non tollit abusus abuse does not exclude use
[name] post idoneum tirocinium ad superiora studia adscitum in scholis suis having been admitted to its schools/programmes for more advanced studies after a sufficient apprenti
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