The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

latina -> angličtina Historie Translation Glossary

latina term angličtina translation
admodum extremely / very much
Ante Bellum Before the war (e.g. the Civil War in the USA)
Aransion Orange
Cave ne ante ullas catapultas ambules If I were you, I wouldn't walk in front of any catapults.
Cord Ci. Cord Ce Cardinale Cé
Entered by: Lota
de domo plebanali house/household of the rectory
dum tacent clamant while they are silent, they shout
eventui mortique consequence(s)
Evestigio, ingenti constructo rogo etc immediately; right away
gentis suae litteris with the letters of his kin
Entered by: Zahraa Omar
haberent et tenerent nunc et in futurum domibus continue who would own and keep (the animals) on their premises on a continual basis now and in the future
helvetiorum fidei ac virtuti To the Loyalty and Courage of the Swiss
hoc a maioribus nostris sapienti consilio insitutum est This was/has been established by our ancestors in accordance with wise planning.
Entered by: Lota
Ilici or Illici? Illici
Entered by: Rossana Fernandez
in verba eius iuravit eumque ducem poposcit swore the customary oath and demanded him as leader
indomita colla virorum iugo jugo is an ablative
ipso digiti motu at the slightest signal/command (given just moving a finger)
Marcellus illacrimasse dicitur Marcellus is said to have wept over it
Mihi poenarum illi plus quam optarem dederunt. - Parsing Cicero They paid a greater penalty than I would have wished.
Noli turbare circulos meos! don`t disturb my circles!
Omnia numquam tam aspera sunt quam videntur All things are never as hard as they seem
omnibus umbra locis everywhere a shadow/a ghost
Praeferre Patriam Liberis Parentem Decet. It is right for/it behooves a parent to place his fatherland above his children.
praelii battle, fight
quisnam esset interrogabat he asked him who he was/his name
supermoleste tulisset had borne (it) with the greatest difficulty
Tantum religio potuit suadere malorum So much evil could religion induce
Entered by: Rebecca Garber
Tot aquarum tam multis necessariis molibus pyramidas... You might compare the Pyramids—useless, to be sure—or the other idle but vaunted works of the Greeks
Ventorum Ludibrium a toy / plaything / pawn of the winds
XXX in genitive + gratia for the sake of XXX (because of XXX)
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