The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

japonština -> angličtina Materiály (plasty, keramika atd.) Translation Glossary

japonština term angličtina translation
みどりの復興大作戦 Midori no Fukko Daisakusen (Green Reconstruction Program/Campaign)
Entered by: Deborah Edwards
印香 pressed incense
Entered by: casey
天草撰上陶土 amakusa senjo porcelain clay
山おとし indented downlight cutting
幽玄無比 unique and alluring
Entered by: casey
圧縮代 Compression Allowance
Entered by: seika
チーズ a cheese of fiber
バルサリジェットパネル Balsa(wood) jet panel
ワンダリングプロテクトグループ(WPG)の欠け broken piece (or fragment) from the wandering protect group
プロテインレザー protein leather
パンタグラフ構造 pantograph structure/pantograph-shaped structure
Entered by: cinefil
ヒートソーク heat soak
フレーム期間分 (during/within) frame period
Entered by: cinefil
ダレ止め anti-sagging
ジュンフロン JUNFLON®
スクリーニング通過長  yield length after screening
Entered by: cinefil
スタッドレスタイヤのサイ(ブ, プ or フ)クラック groove cracks
タイフレキホース tie flexible hose
品質管理 Quality Control
Entered by: Michael Fletcher
出荷不可とする Can not be dispatched/shipped
共疑析 analysis of suspected constituent/contaminant
共生地 common cloth/material
研磨両面強化 polished on both sides and tempered
Entered by: Shannon Morales
社団法人 none (or JMIF)
稜線を炎が翔る "Ridgelines of Fire"
組織硬度計 Tissue hardness meter
資材 (shizai) "supplies" OR "materials" (depending on the context).
軸石 jewel bearing
脱塩酸 dehydrochlorination
膜状 membrane/film-like
長命縷 medicine ball (ornamental scent bag)
Entered by: casey
色決め塗装 Final color coat
Entered by: casey
森美工業股份有限公司 Summit Industrial Co., Ltd.
Entered by: Deborah Edwards
溶剤1液型 one-pack solvent
Entered by: casey
流体の透視性 Transparency of fluid
意図的添加禁止 Intentionally added (threshold level)
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