The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

angličtina Lodě, plachtění, moře Translation Glossary

angličtina term angličtina translation
2 × voyage 2 voyages (are needed to carry this consignment)
Entered by: Tony M
AB Helmsman Able-Bodied Helmsman
All back emergency! full astern as fast as you can
allowance additional length or width
AP Transport Ship
assimilation of ships The incorporation of ships (as part of a larger body or group of ships)
BA Supply breathing apparatus supply
ball bearings round steel balls as used in ball bearings
beam on sideways on
boarding sea vessels switching from their own vessels to other boats or ships on the high sea to inspect them, etc.
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
C.I.D. cubic inch displacement
CLN/PNT cleaner/painter
Entered by: Michael Tovbin
CONN control (of engines and rudder)
corresponding rates rates of change
dodger vs sprayhood dodger - term more commonly used by sailors.
forward hands The crew of a ship --as opposed to the officers-- who were housed "before the mast"
gender of ships (academic context) gender neutral
Entered by: Valeria Verona
hands by the weather-main-brace crew to operate the up-wind ropes controlling the mainsail
Entered by: Tony M
house battery main battery for everything but starting
In (R / S / F) [weather conditions at sea] rain/snow/fog
Johnson, flag to. Johnson, lie to
make a pipe over the 21 MC make an announcement over the captain's announcement system
Entered by: Sarah Bessioud
makefast an object to which a boat is moored
MOB and DEMOB Preparing equipment for use and taking it out of use, including assembling and dismantling
nearshore or near shore nearshore
QISSP Quality and Inspection Standard for Ships Painting
RAL remains the same
rat rapid assault tactics
RSS Regional Surveillance System
S/S sailing ship
sailing the skill required to operate and navigate a vessel
Sea chest storage for provisions / precious items / personal possessions
speed scoop thru-hull inlet Inlet of passage through hull through which sea water passes to drive pump
standby vessel vessel in the proximity that is capable of performing an emergency rescue of the main vessel
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
sub-shipping lanes secondary routes
swell Swell can be the distance from
the quarry of cooling quarry filled with cold or freezing water
to mouse shackles to fasten shackles with wire
U/W under way
USBL Ultra Short BaseLine
Entered by: Angie Garbarino
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