The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

angličtina Geologie Translation Glossary

angličtina term angličtina translation
at 7000 years in 7000 years' time
base mat a large slab usually of reinforced concrete used as the supporting base of a building
contingency in history (theory that) history is determined by a systematic series of cause & effect
Drawn under also *subduction*
Entered by: albertdeng
explosion pressure waves pressure waves caused by an explosion
following the course of the soil layers 'Course' is correct
follows three distinct paths three separate methods are used
in upper ‘earlier’ strata in the upper strata of the very old rocks
litotype (lithotype) a specific geological unit
plezometer piezometer
Entered by: Vito Smolej
reefal adjectival form of "reef"
releases silica into solution formation of these minerals involves loss of silica into water phase
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