The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

angličtina Ekonomie Translation Glossary

angličtina term angličtina translation
econometry econometrics
'observing every deal under a microscope’ going over every deal with a fine-toothed comb
Entered by: Max Nuijens
(to show/take) initiative to be proactive
100% okay
A "cowed" labor force runs scared browbeaten: frightened into submission or compliance
an IN / an OUT all-in-cost/out-of-pocket expenses
and asset velocity are ..... to the future the key
And boy do we shop And don't we just shop!
as many as of as many as
bailing to build creating an over-leveraged network (of joint projects) to sustain the growth of the system/sector
bleeding bleeding works, but hemorrhaging is better
Blue Chip first rate
businese term explanation below
carve-out issues issues pertaining to "disintegrating" IT assets
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
certificate of provisional acceptance certificate of acceptance which needs to be confirmed later
CIF ASWP Cost, Insurance & Freight/ Any Safe World Port
civil assets anything owned that has monetary value concerned with the rights and duties of persons in contract, tort, etc.
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
compared with / compared to compared to and with
contract awards rose nearly 9 percent to $294.9 billion the value of contracts signed rose nearly 9 percent to $294.9 billion
Core prices prices paid for goods and services, excluding food and energy
cum it means \"with/together with\"
current on interest due the amount of interest owed is not in arrears, it is up to date
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
cyclical abandonment rate a recurring loss of business
Entered by: Piotr Fras
Dogecoin is just a hustle dogecoin is just a scam
down marketing Mettre à la portée de tous
economics feasibility of production, distribution and consumption from an economic viewpoint
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
efficiency gains b) we will learn what are the benefits from energy efficiency (e.g. the costs are lower because we use less energy) and then act
Entered by: Yasutomo Kanazawa
excess leverage too much use of borrowed money in investment
figure difference or different figure? often come up with different results/ results often differ
Flatter (in this context) make (the comparisons) look better / present them in a more favourable light
flow score A flow variable is measured over an interval of time.
follow up the process track/monitor the process
forecast yes it is - use as is
FPA Fee Protection Agreement
geoscience Science dealing with the Earth: a science such as geology or geophysics that deals with the Earth.
growth rates of money, credit and asset prices inflation
H&S Health & Safety
Entered by: Edith Kelly
ID (currency code) Islamic Dinar
Entered by: Ildiko Santana
import important
Entered by: William [Bill] Gray
in/to/for the economy the economic importance
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