The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

čínština -> angličtina Účetnictví Translation Glossary

čínština term angličtina translation
计提的减值准备 provision for (asset) impairment
拨款转入 Government Grant
(坏账)转销 write-off
64折 36% discount
90年不变价 at constant prices in 1990
功能性陈旧贬值率 depreciation due to functional obsolescence
十几至几十分之一 just a fraction
Entered by: Weiping Tang
千位发票 from 1,000 up to 9,999.99 Yuan
单项留用利润 profit reserved for a single item
吸收投资所收到的现金 Cash received from capital contribution
Entered by: albertdeng
吸收投资所收到的现金 Proceeds from investments
多投款 surplus capital contribution
大会计科学 Generalized Accounting (Science)
Entered by: albertdeng
处置固定资产无形资产和其他长期资产所收到的现金净额 Net cash proceeds from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets.
存出保证 guarantee deposit/collateral deposited
定额法 ration method
Entered by: Li Rui
小單位 subunits/secondary units of measurement
工作底稿 (audit) working papers
上午我会一直等你的电话 I will be waiting for your phone call the whole morning/tomorrow morning
上期留抵税额 remaining tax credit from last period
上方买入看涨期权价差 Long OTM Call Spread ; Long upside call spread
不計價數量 不計價 | 數量quantity not charged or priced
带征 combined levy
帳別 Business Unit ID
Entered by: celiacheung85
三期 the period 2 periods before
下方 downside; OTM (In this context)
年佣 annual commission
应付 (款项) payable
应付款 Accounts Payable/Due
Entered by: albertdeng
事业会计制度 Institution Accounting System
以前年度损益调整 prior year adjustment
付委 Authorised payment
Entered by: albertdeng
付款比例 payment percentage
仓佣 position-based commission
会外年企表 Annual financial statement for non-financial enterprises with foreign investment
弃审 Recall/Cancellation of Approval
开,少开,多开 FYI
待检区域 Incoming Inspection Zone/Area
往来款 incomings and outgoings
划拨土地 land obtained under the allotment of rights
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