Looking for a Mentor

Podrobnosti inzerátu
Poptávka – Mentoring
Od: Rocio Barrientos
Zadáno dne:Jul 8, 2007

I would like to find a mentor (English/Spanish/English); hopefully, someone in one of my working fields.

I am a Bolivian who has been translating for more than 5 years; however, I have very little experience working online, specially in a community such as ProZ.com. I have truly enjoyed it so far (for the past 3-4 days). I like Kudoz and trying to find very precise answers, it is a great challenge. Currently, I have several questions regarding Paypal, rates, glossaries, software, etc. Sincerely this is a new world to me.

I work in several fields related to the social sciences and the business/management sciences. I also love poetry and literature. Please visit my “about myself section”. I am a bit of a “Jill of all trades”, however I would like to think that I am trying to master a few, such as finance, international development, and economics.

I am willing to cooperate with my mentor in any task or job needed; I do believe that mentoring does require that the mentee compensates the mentor by providing him/her with help free of charge or by paying a fee.

Please contact me, I am willing to answer any questions you may have.

Thank you
Rocio Barrientos
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