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Poll: Have you made any eco-changes at your workplace or regarding your work?
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Dec 14, 2018

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Have you made any eco-changes at your workplace or regarding your work?".

This poll was originally submitted by María Perales. View the poll results »

Christopher Schröder
Christopher Schröder
Membre (2011)
suédois vers anglais
+ ...
"i'm not really sure what that would be" Dec 14, 2018

How could anyone be unsure what that would be?!

Off the top of my head: renewable electricity, recycled paper, printing less, low-energy bulbs, working from home, renewable heating source, natural materials and paints, turning off your computer, online dictionaries, wearing a hat in winter...

... ergonomic aids so you don't have to drive to hospital appointments for back problems and RSIs...

... right through to "if it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown
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How could anyone be unsure what that would be?!

Off the top of my head: renewable electricity, recycled paper, printing less, low-energy bulbs, working from home, renewable heating source, natural materials and paints, turning off your computer, online dictionaries, wearing a hat in winter...

... ergonomic aids so you don't have to drive to hospital appointments for back problems and RSIs...

... right through to "if it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down"...

The list is endless.

Adriana Papagna
Yetta Jensen Bogarde
Ann Marie Bohan
Melanie Meyer
Noni Gilbert Riley
Ulrike MacKay
Andrea Black
Philippe Etienne
Philippe Etienne  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:49
anglais vers français
Not sure Dec 14, 2018

Since 1824, I already minimize paper use, wear a jumper instead of switching the heating on or swimming pants instead of switching the aircon on, selected max power savings on my computer, have LED lamps, close the shutters in winter to keep the room warm at night and open the shutters in summer to cool the room at night, keep using my 1988 cell phone, smoke organic cigarettes and drink fair-trade coffee, recycle taurine-filled cans, compost orange peels...
I browse the internet
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Since 1824, I already minimize paper use, wear a jumper instead of switching the heating on or swimming pants instead of switching the aircon on, selected max power savings on my computer, have LED lamps, close the shutters in winter to keep the room warm at night and open the shutters in summer to cool the room at night, keep using my 1988 cell phone, smoke organic cigarettes and drink fair-trade coffee, recycle taurine-filled cans, compost orange peels...
I browse the internet a lot and this emits massive amounts of carbon dioxide to cool and power datacenters, and my driving is sometimes all but eco-friendly.


Catherine De Crignis
Julio Madrid
Yaotl Altan
Ulrike MacKay
Michael Harris
Local time: 00:49
espagnol vers anglais
+ ...
Yes Dec 14, 2018

Minimal use of paper... composting organic food waste - etc.

[Edited at 2018-12-14 09:10 GMT]

Paul van Zijll
Melanie Meyer
Yaotl Altan
Ulrike MacKay
Luna Jungblut
Luna Jungblut  Identity Verified
anglais vers français
+ ...
Eco-friendly website hosting service! Dec 14, 2018

Apart from all the eco-steps mentioned above that I do,
I decided to pick GreenGeeks when I was looking for a hosting service for my website.

It's green-powered and I'm super happy with their 24/7 live support & prices.

Just thought I'd share, since I haven't met anybody else who has one of those.
Maybe it'll inspire more people!

Christopher Schröder
Ann Marie Bohan
Ulrike MacKay
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:49
Membre (2007)
anglais vers portugais
+ ...
Yes, though not recently! Dec 14, 2018

I don’t have a car, I use recycled paper and I print less than I used to, I shifted to low-energy bulbs, I’ve decreased my meat and dairy consumption, I’ve reduced the use of plastic and paper bags to the minimum, I still use a very old cell phone, I don’t smoke, I use water and power wisely, I try to buy local, I pay my bills online, I have a waste separation system…

P.S. I've just remembered that I also bring my used Nespresso coffee capsules to a collection point.
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I don’t have a car, I use recycled paper and I print less than I used to, I shifted to low-energy bulbs, I’ve decreased my meat and dairy consumption, I’ve reduced the use of plastic and paper bags to the minimum, I still use a very old cell phone, I don’t smoke, I use water and power wisely, I try to buy local, I pay my bills online, I have a waste separation system…

P.S. I've just remembered that I also bring my used Nespresso coffee capsules to a collection point.

[Edited at 2018-12-14 17:53 GMT]

Yetta Jensen Bogarde
Melanie Meyer
Julio Madrid
Noni Gilbert Riley
Ricki Farn
Ricki Farn
Local time: 00:49
anglais vers allemand
Hard to tell Dec 14, 2018

My work and life are practically one and the same, so it's hard to tell what's "regarding my work".

My personal eco thing is urban gardening, max air purification on min square metres. The squirrel, the mice and the robin seem to like it.

Christine Andersen
Gabrielle Garneau
Ulrike MacKay
Rita Utt
Rita Utt  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:49
anglais vers allemand
+ ...
Cartridges for Laser printer Dec 14, 2018

As I'm very annoyed about built-in obsolescence in cartridges for my Laser Printer, leaving me with mountains of plastic waste, I decided to buy refill kits.

Ulrike MacKay
Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:49
Membre (2003)
danois vers anglais
+ ...
I don't print nearly as much as I used to Dec 14, 2018

… to the despair of the person who used to ring several times a year and try to sell me a supply of cartridges…

Apart from that, my life in general and my work are very closely linked. The ocean is made up of drops, so I hope my few drops contribute a little. We save electricity - no tumble dryer, we turn off lights, computers and standbys etc. when not using them. Our heating bill is low, because we save energy there.

My husband grows loads of home-grown veg and ap
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… to the despair of the person who used to ring several times a year and try to sell me a supply of cartridges…

Apart from that, my life in general and my work are very closely linked. The ocean is made up of drops, so I hope my few drops contribute a little. We save electricity - no tumble dryer, we turn off lights, computers and standbys etc. when not using them. Our heating bill is low, because we save energy there.

My husband grows loads of home-grown veg and apples, apples, apples from nine (9) apple trees … we give away as many as possible, to stop them rotting. We use compost in the garden. We cut down on meat and DON'T insist on organic products - they have a greater long-term climate impact. We eat local, seasonal products as far as possible.

We 'only' have one car, but I am afraid we use it! Public transport is simply not an option where we live. We used to have two, but scrapped one when my husband stopped driving 100 km each day to work and to visit his mother at weekends, and we don't start the present one every day.

Recycled clothes, which we wear until they fall off our backs... I don't have to look smart to meet clients, I just have to deliver what they want! I save the smarter blouses for special occasions.

We avoid plastic bags, and recycle whatever plastic we cannot eliminate.

Little things like that, but we hope they add up.

Ulrike MacKay
Andrea Black
Catherine De Crignis
Catherine De Crignis  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:49
Membre (2012)
anglais vers français
+ ...
Not so simple Dec 14, 2018

Philippe Etienne wrote:

Since 1824, I already minimize paper use, wear a jumper instead of switching the heating on or swimming pants instead of switching the aircon on, selected max power savings on my computer, have LED lamps, close the shutters in winter to keep the room warm at night and open the shutters in summer to cool the room at night, keep using my 1988 cell phone, smoke organic cigarettes and drink fair-trade coffee, recycle taurine-filled cans, compost orange peels...
I browse the internet a lot and this emits massive amounts of carbon dioxide to cool and power datacenters, and my driving is sometimes all but eco-friendly.


Quite right!
Mind you, datacenters are not as bad as one might fear; I read an interesting article about them last week.
1824, wow, aren’t you a bit ancient to be around still?

Julio Madrid
Kay-Viktor Stegemann
Kay-Viktor Stegemann
Local time: 00:49
anglais vers allemand
In memoriam
I'm not really sure what that would be Dec 14, 2018

- When I left my job last year in order to become a full time freelance translator, I started working from home so I reduced my car driving by about 75%.
- We have solar panels on our roofs that produce a lot more electricity than we consume ourselves. Our heating system (heat pump) runs on renewable energy.
- My use of paper is minimal, I never print anything.
- We do grow a lot of our own veggies, but that might be not really work related...

And still, I am not r
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- When I left my job last year in order to become a full time freelance translator, I started working from home so I reduced my car driving by about 75%.
- We have solar panels on our roofs that produce a lot more electricity than we consume ourselves. Our heating system (heat pump) runs on renewable energy.
- My use of paper is minimal, I never print anything.
- We do grow a lot of our own veggies, but that might be not really work related...

And still, I am not really sure what you refer to. Suggestions welcome.

Nadia Silva Castro
María Perales
María Perales  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:49
anglais vers espagnol
+ ...
Just tiny actions Dec 14, 2018

Thank you for the nice responses of all.

With regards to Kay-Viktor comment "And still, I am not really sure what you refer to" - I was basically referring to what we can do at our work place (at home) or in the office (for those who work in-house) to reduce our environmental impact. I did not expect you were going to speak about what you generally do at home, but those good inputs too.

I have read here
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Thank you for the nice responses of all.

With regards to Kay-Viktor comment "And still, I am not really sure what you refer to" - I was basically referring to what we can do at our work place (at home) or in the office (for those who work in-house) to reduce our environmental impact. I did not expect you were going to speak about what you generally do at home, but those good inputs too.

I have read here a very nice list of things. We all make individual efforts, and it is very motivating for me to read what others are doing.

These are some of the changes I have made (workwise) over the past year:
- I do not use plastic folders to deliver the originals of sworn translations, I am using paper envelops instead.
- I avoid buying my office supplies on-line, I go to a stationery shop in my neighbourhood.
- No agenda - I have my hand-made calendar where I manage my deadlines and other stuff.
- Whenever I have to go to somewhere for an interpreting asignment, I always go in public transportation or do car-sharing.
- Whenever I have to go to somewhere for an interpreting asignment, I take my refillable water bottle and reusable take-away glass with me.
- Less printing.
- Reuse all stationery material that I find forgotten in some place at my parent's.

These may sound tiny and not very useful actions, but they are important for me.

Noni Gilbert Riley
Kay-Viktor Stegemann
Ulrike MacKay
Ulrike MacKay
Ulrike MacKay  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:49
anglais vers allemand
+ ...
Green search engine - green e-mail provider - green bank - clicking to off-set CO2 - pro bono work Dec 14, 2018

Apart from practically everything mentioned above (thank you all for the comprehensive list ), I've switched to (and can only recommend!)

- GREENPEACE ENERGY for a green energy provider (so as to "give coal the boot" and
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Apart from practically everything mentioned above (thank you all for the comprehensive list ), I've switched to (and can only recommend!)

- GREENPEACE ENERGY for a green energy provider (so as to "give coal the boot" and ditch all other fossil fuels)

- ECOSIA for a green search engine (using their profits to plant trees all over the world - on av, with every 45 searches you do, you "plant" 1 tree)

- POSTEO.DE for a green e-mail provider (unfortunately available in Germany only, but green in every aspect - from the energy they use to the furniture in their offices right through to paying bonuses to their staff who come to work by bike)

- GLS for a green bank (again, unfortunately available in Germany only, using any money you have with them for social and ecological projects only - no supporting of fossil fuels, war/arms industry - while letting you choose which field your money should be used for)

Further, I visit the following pages every day to support a number of eco, animal welfare and social causes with a FREE CLICK (generating donations from various sponsors):

- NATURARVET - click (free) to save Swedish old-growth forest

- GREATER GOOD (changing causes) - also click (free) for/against e.g. hunger, shelter animals, literacy, rainforest
=> (also see top menue for other causes as above)

- CARE2 - click (free) to donate to e.g children, rainforest, big cats, seals, oceans, primates, animal rescue, global warming, stop violence, wolves - sign and share petitions - collect "butterflies" which you can later redeem for a wide range of donations of all sorts... Lots of informative articles too!

Last not least, I have/am engaged in pro bono work for a number of worthy causes like
- climate action
- animal rescue & welfare
- environmental protection and anti-GMO


Muriel Vasconcellos
Muriel Vasconcellos  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:49
Membre (2003)
espagnol vers anglais
+ ...
Yes Dec 15, 2018

I saved energy by installing two roof windows over my office. Before that, my office was so dark that I was working all day in artificial light.

Like others, I try to avoid printing whenever possible. I'm a religious recycler.

Rebecca Garber
Rebecca Garber  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:49
Membre (2005)
allemand vers anglais
+ ...
It's not that I don't know what I could be doing... Dec 16, 2018

I am quite aware of what we are already doing.
I have no ideas at the moment as to how we could be doing *more*.
This then leads to me not currently planning any eco-friendly actions for my work.

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Poll: Have you made any eco-changes at your workplace or regarding your work?

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