Translation Industry Organizations and Associations
The following is a list compiled by the community of organizations and associations serving the translation community.
Abbr | Organization Name |
AITA-IPSP assoc | Association of Interpreters, Translators and Researchers in Translation Studies |
Abbr | Organization Name |
Univ-Alger school | Université d'Alger |
UNIV ALGER 2 school | Université d'Alger 2 |
Abbr | Organization Name |
AACI assoc | Austrian Association of Certified Court Interpreters |
AALST assoc | Austrian Association of Literary and Scientific Translators |
OSD other | Österreichisches Sprachdiplom Deutsch |
EST (Europe) other | European Society for Translation Studies |
UIBK school | Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck |
UNIVERSITAS Austria assoc | UNIVERSITAS Austria - Berufsverband für Dolmetschen und Übersetzen |
school | Universität Graz, Institut für Theoretische und Angewandte Translationswissenschaft |
uni-salzburg school | Universität Salzburg |
UNIVIE school | Universität Wien (Institut für Übersetzen und Dolmetschen) |
University of Graz school | University of Graz |
Abbr | Organization Name |
QU school | Qafqaz University |
Abbr | Organization Name |
JU school | Jahangirnagar University |
Abbr | Organization Name |
BSU school | Belarusian State University |
GPT / ГПП assoc | Guild of Professional Translators / Гильдия профессиональных переводчиков |
MSLGC24 school | Minsk State Linguistic Gymnasium-College #24 |
MSLU school | Minsk State Linguistic University |
GRSU school | Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno |
Abbr | Organization Name |
UMSS school | Universidad Mayor de San Simón |
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Abbr | Organization Name |
KFBL school | Banja Luka College of Communications "Kapa Fi" |
Abbr | Organization Name |
---|---| school | Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski" |
SU school | Sofia University (St. Kliment Ohridski) |
school | South-West University "Neofit Rilski" |
VT school | St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo |
UBT assoc | Union of Bulgarian Translators |
Abbr | Organization Name |
RUPP school | Royal University of Phnom Penh |
Abbr | Organization Name |
ISTIC school | l’Institut Supérieur des Langues, de Traduction, d’Interprétation et de Communication |
UBUEA school | University of Buea |
UY I school | University of Yaounde I |
UY II school | Yaoundé University II |
Congo, Democratic Republic
Abbr | Organization Name |
TGI-GOMBE other | Tribunal de Grande Instance de Kinshasa/Gombe |
Costa Rica
Abbr | Organization Name |
ACOTIP assoc | Asociación Costarricense de Traductores e Intérpretes Profesionales |
UCR school | Universidad de Costa Rica |
ULACIT school | Universidad Latinoamericana de Ciencia y Tecnología |
UNA school | Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica |
Abbr | Organization Name |
HDZTP assoc | Croatian Association of Scientific and Technical Translators |
DHKP (CLTA) assoc | Croatian Literary Translators Association |
FFST school | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Split |
FFOS school | J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Philosophy |
UNIPU school | University of Juraj Dobrila Pula |
U of Zadar school | University of Zadar |
school | University of Zagreb |
University of Zagreb school | University of Zagreb |
Abbr | Organization Name |
school | Alianza Francesa de Cuba |
ACTI assoc | Asociación Cubana de Traductores e Intérpretes |
school | Centro de Lingüística Aplicada |
UH school | University of Havana |
Abbr | Organization Name |
NEU other | Near East University |
Czech Republic
Abbr | Organization Name |
JTP assoc | Jednota tlumocniku a prekladatelu (Union of Interpreters and Translators) |
ACTA | Association of Czech Translation Agencies |
school | Charles University, Institute of Translation Studies |
MUNI school | Masaryk University |
Translators Guild assoc | Obec prekladatelú (Translators Guild) |
school | University of Ostrava |
Abbr | Organization Name |
AAU | Aalborg University |
AU school | Aarhus University |
ADAT assoc | Association of Danish Authorized Translators ~ Translatшrforeningen |
DT assoc | Danish State-Authorized Translators and Interpreters Association (DT) Dansk Translatørforbund |
DOF assoc | Dansk Oversætter Forbund (DOF) Danish Translators Association |
CBS school | The Copenhagen Business School |
FKS assoc | The Union of Communication and Language Professionals, Denmark |
U of Copenhagen school | University of Copenhagen |
Dominican Republic
Abbr | Organization Name |
ATI-RD assoc | Asociación de Traductores e Intérpretes de la República Dominicana |
Abbr | Organization Name |
ATIEC assoc | Asociación de Traductores e Intérpretes del Ecuador |
PUCE school | Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador |
UCSG school | Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil |
UEES school | Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo |
Abbr | Organization Name |
ASU school | Ain Shams University (Faculty of Al-Alsun) |
AZHAR school | Al-Azhar University |
Alex Univ school | Alexandria University |
BU school | Benha University |
BSU school | Beni-Suef University |
Faculty of Arts, Cairo Un school | Department of English Faculty of Arts, Cairo University |
EAGLS assoc | Egyptian Association for Globalization and Language Solutions |
ETLA assoc | Egyptian Translators & Linguists' Association |
EGYTA assoc | Egyptian Translators Association |
EGYTA | Egyptian Translators Association |
Ibn Sina other | Ibn Sina Academy |
IAFET assoc | International Association for Egyptian Translators |
MANS school | Mansoura University |
MSA other | October University for Modern Sciences and Arts |
SKCIE school | Saleh Kamel Center for Islamic Economy |
SVU school | South Valley University |
Tanta school | Tanta University, Faculty of Arts |
AUC - EGYPT school | The American University in Cairo |
Abbr | Organization Name |
AETC | Association of Estonian Translation Companies |
ETTL assoc | Estonian Association of Interpreters and Translators |
ETML assoc | Estonian Association of Masters in Conference Interpreting and Translation |
TU school | Tallinn University |
UT school | University of Tartu |
Abbr | Organization Name |
Mekane Yesus school | Mekane Yesus College |
Abbr | Organization Name |
(Opted out of this database; no data available) | |
TSU school | Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University |
TULC school | Tbilisi I. Chavchavadze State University of Western Languages and Cultures |
Abbr | Organization Name |
AUTh school | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
school | Centre for English Language and Training |
Glossologia school | Glossologia |
HAEC school | Hellenic American College |
SYDISE assoc | Hellenic Association of Conference Interpreters |
assoc of comps | Hellenic Association of Translation Companies |
HATI assoc | Hellenic Association of Translators - Interpreters in the Public Sector |
EEML assoc | Hellenic Society of Translators of Literature |
Ionian Univ school | Ionian University, Department of Foreign Languages, Translation & Interpreting |
metafrasi school | meta|φραση | Metafrasi School of Translation Studies | Translator Training Center |
National and Capodistrian school | National and Capodistrian University of Athens |
PAPT assoc | Panhellenic Association of Professional Translators |
PEEMPIP assoc | Panhellenic Association of Professional Translators Graduates of the Ionian University |
PAT (PEM in Greek) assoc | Panhellenic Association of Translators |
Abbr | Organization Name |
AGIT assoc | Asociación Guatemalteca de Intérpretes y Traductores |
ECCLL - USAC school | Escuela de Ciencias Lingüísticas - Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala |
Universidad Galileo | |
UMG school | Universidad Mariano Gálvez de Guatemala |
Abbr | Organization Name |
UEH school | State University of Haiti |
Hong Kong
Abbr | Organization Name |
HKU school | The University of Hong Kong |
Abbr | Organization Name |
Andhra University school | Andhra University |
school | Bharathiar University |
CSWR other | Centre for Social Work and Research |
ITAINDIA assoc | Indian Translators Association |
IGNOU school | Indira Gandhi National Open University |
JMI school | Jamia Millia Islamia |
JNU school | Jawaharlal Nehru University |
SPPU school | Savitribai Phule Pune University |
U Delhi school | University of Delhi |
school | University of Hyderabad, Centre for Applied Linguistics and Translation Studie |
school | University of Mumbai |
Videshi bhasha - Foreign school | Videshi bhasha - Foreign Language School |
Vikram University school | Vikram University |
Abbr | Organization Name |
school | BINUS University |
SELMA UB school | Brawijaya University |
UBM | Bunda Mulia University |
HPI assoc | Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia (Association of Indonesian Translators) |
LBI school | LBI University of Indonesia |
PNJ school | Politeknik Negeri Jakarta |
UNS school | Sebelas Maret University |
UI school | University of Indonesia, Faculty of Letters, Translation Center |
Abbr | Organization Name |
ATU school | Allameh Tabataba'i University |
CMU school | Chabahar Maritime University |
FUM school | Ferdowsi University of Mashhad |
KHU school | Kharazmi University |
Khatam school | Khatam University |
SBUK school | Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman |
SHBU school | Sheikh Bahaei University |
UI school | University of Isfahan |
Abbr | Organization Name |
ITA assoc | Iraqi Translators Association |
UOMosul school | University of Mosul, Department of Translation |
UOMustansiriyah other | University of Mustansiriyah |
Abbr | Organization Name |
ATII assoc | Association of Translators and Interpreters Ireland |
DCU school | Dublin City University |
N.U.I.G school | National University of Ireland |
TILP assoc | The Institute of Localisation Professionals |
AFEPI assoc | The Irish Association of Freelance Editors Proofreaders and Indexers |
UCC school | University College Cork |
UDub TC school | University of Dublin, Trinity College |
school | University of Limerick, Department of Computer Science and Information Systems |
WLS other | Words Language Services |
Abbr | Organization Name |
school | Bar-Ilan University, Faculty of Humanities, Translation and Interpreting Studies |
BBC school | Beit Berl College |
ITA assoc | Israel Translators Association |
ITA assoc | Israel Translators Association |
school | Tel Aviv University, Department of Poetics and Comparative Literature, Faculty of the Humanities |
Abbr | Organization Name |
school | Daito Bunka University, Graduate School of Economics |
school | Inter School |
ICU school | International Christian Universit |
JAT assoc | Japan Association of Translators |
JTF assoc | Japan Translation Federation Incorporated |
KU school | Kansai University |
school | Kyoto Tachibana Women's University |
school | Kyoto University |
MITA assoc | Medical Interpreters & Translators Association |
school | Osaka University of Foreign Studies, English Department |
JPF other | The Japan Foundation |
school | The University of Tokyo |
TU school | Tohoku University |
school | Toyo Eiwa Women's University |
WU school | Waseda University |
Abbr | Organization Name |
HU gov't | Hashemite University |
JUST school | Jordan University of Science and Technology |
JTA assoc | Jordanian Translators' Association (JTA) |
AASU assoc | The Arab Academics and Scientists Union |
JU school | University of Jordan |
school | Yarmouk University, Department of English |
ZU school | Zarqa University |
Abbr | Organization Name |
KNEC school | Kenya National Examinations Council |
KU school | Kenyatta University |
Abbr | Organization Name |
KGJK gov't | Këshilli Gjyqësor i Kosovës |
Abbr | Organization Name |
KU school | Kuwait University |
Abbr | Organization Name |
LTTB/LAIT assoc | Latvijas Tulku un tulkotāju biedrība / Latvian Association of Interpreters and Translators |
LU school | Latvijas Universitāte (University of Latvia) |
school | The University of Economics and Culture |
school | Ventspils University College |
Abbr | Organization Name |
ATN / APTS assoc | Arab Professional Translators Society (Arab Translators Network) |
LIU school | Lebanese International University |
LU school | Lebanese University | Université Libanaise |
school | Université de Saint-Esprit |
ETIB school | Université Saint-Joseph, École de Traducteurs et d'Interprètes de Beyrouth |
Abbr | Organization Name |
school | Academy of Higher Studies |
Abbr | Organization Name |
KTU school | Kaunas University of Technology |
KU school | Klaipeda University |
LLVS assoc | Lithuanian Association of Literary Translators (Lietuvos literatûros vertëjø sàjunga) |
assoc | Lithuanian Translators Guild |
Vilnius University school | Vilnius University |
Abbr | Organization Name |
ALTI assoc | Association luxembourgeoise des traducteurs et interprètes |
Abbr | Organization Name |
ITBM school | Institut Terjemahan & Buku Malaysia / Malaysian Institute of Translation & Books |
ITNMB school | Malaysian National Institute of Translation |
MTA/PPM assoc | Malaysian Translators Association |
Abbr | Organization Name |
ATP assoc | Asociaţia Traducătorilor Profesionişti din Moldova |
USM school | Moldova State University - Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures |
Abbr | Organization Name |
other | Univerzitet Crne Gore, Filozofski fakultet, Niksic |
Abbr | Organization Name |
UAE school | Abdelmalek Essaâdi University |
school | École Supérieure Roi Fahd de Traduction |
FLLA school | Faculté des Langues, des Lettres et des Arts |
AMTP assoc | Moroccan Association of Professional Translators |
Abbr | Organization Name |
HTA other | HTA-traduções, Lda |
UEM school | Universidade Eduardo Mondlane |
New Zealand
Abbr | Organization Name |
school | Auckland Institute of Technolog, School of Languages, Translating and Interpreting |
AUT University school | Auckland University of Technology |
NZSTI assoc | New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters |
UA school | University of Auckland, Faculty of Arts, Centre for Translation & Interpreting Studies |
Victoria U. school | Victoria University of Wellington |
Abbr | Organization Name |
UNAN school | Universidad Nacional Autónoma De Nicaragua |
Abbr | Organization Name |
LASPAN assoc | Language Service Providers Association (LASPAN) |
NATI assoc | Nigerian Association of Translators and Interpreters |
North Macedonia
Abbr | Organization Name |
MJ other | Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Macedonia |
UKIM school | Ss. Cyril and Methodius University - "Blaze Koneski" Faculty of Philology |
ULTRM assoc | Union of Literary Translators of the Republic of Macedonia |
Abbr | Organization Name |
school | Høgskolen i Agder,Humanistiske fag |
HiØ school | Høgskolen i Østfold (Østfold University College) |
HIVOLDA school | Høgskulen i Volda |
NFF assoc | Norsk Faglitterær Forfatter- og Oversetterforening |
NORFAG assoc | Norsk fagoversetterforening |
NO assoc | Norsk Oversetterforening (Norwegian Association of Literary Translators) |
STF assoc | Statsautoriserte Translat�rers Forening (The Association of Government Authorized Translators in Norway) |
NFF assoc | The Norwegian Non-fiction Writers and Translators Association |
UiO school | The University of Oslo |
Abbr | Organization Name |
school | Polyglot Institute Oman llc |
UNizwa school | University of Nizwa |
Abbr | Organization Name |
IIUI school | International Islamic University, Islamabad |
Abbr | Organization Name |
AAU other | Al Azahar University |
school | Hisham Hijjawi College of Technology |
AAUJ school | The Arab American University - Jenin |
Abbr | Organization Name |
APTI assoc | Asociación Panameña de Traductores e Intérpretes |
UdeP school | Universidad de Panamá |
ULP school | Universidad Latina de Panamá |
Abbr | Organization Name |
ASIC-PERÚ assoc | Asociación de Intérpretes de Conferencias del Perú |
PERÚterm assoc | Asociación Peruana de Terminología |
ATPP assoc | Asociación de Traductores Profesionales del Perú |
CTP assoc | Colegio de Traductores del Perú |
UNIFE school | Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazon |
URP | Universidad Ricardo Palma |
Abbr | Organization Name |
USC school | University of San Carlos |
Puerto Rico
Abbr | Organization Name |
PGT school | Universidad de Puerto Rico |
USC school | Universidad del Sagrado Corazón |
Abbr | Organization Name |
QMA Language Services other | Qatar Museums Authority Language Services |
WATA assoc | World Arabic Translators Association |
Russian Federation
Abbr | Organization Name |
NUR school | National University of Rwanda |
University of Rwanda school | University of Rwanda |
Saudi Arabia
Abbr | Organization Name |
QU school | Al-Qassim University |
UCJ / JUC school | Jubail University College |
KAU school | King Abdulaziz University |
KFU school | King Faisal University |
KSU school | King Saud University |
PNU school | Princess Nourah University |
TAI assoc | The Institute of Translation and Arabization (TAI) |
school | Umm Al-Qura University, The Department of English Language |
Abbr | Organization Name |
CITAS / USSPTS assoc | Court Interpreters and Translators Association of Serbia / Udruženje stalnih sudskih prevodilaca i tumača Srbije |
UB school | University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology |
UNS school | University of Novi Sad |
Abbr | Organization Name |
Com U school | Comenius University, Faculty of Arts, Bratislava |
SST JTP assoc | Jednota tlmocnikov a prekladatelov (Sekcia sudnych tlmocnikov) |
UMB school | Matej Bel University |
ATCSK assoc | Name Asociácia prekladateľských spoločností Slovenska (Association of Translation Companies of Slovakia) |
UPJS school | University of Pavol Jozef Safarik |
school | Univerzita Komenského, Filozofická fakulta |
school | Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa, Filozofická fakulta |
South Africa
Abbr | Organization Name |
UOVS school | Faculty of the Humanities at the University of the Free State |
Pretoria Courts gov't | High Court of South Africa - Pretoria |
NWU school | North West University |
school | Rand Afrikaans University, Department of Linguistics and Literary Theory |
SATI / SAVI assoc | South African Translators' Institute / Suid-Afrikaanse Vertalersinstituut |
TUT school | Tshwane University of Technology |
school | University of South Africa.Translation Studies. Department of Linguistics |
school | University of the Witwatersrand, Graduate School for Translators and Interpreters |
WITS school | University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg |
South Korea
Abbr | Organization Name |
CNU school | Chonnam National University |
HUFS school | Hankuk University of Foreign Studies |
KATI assoc | International Interpretation & Translation Association of Korea | (사)한국통번역사협회 |
ITT assoc | ITT: Interpretation & Translation Test |
KOREA school | Korea University |
KST assoc | Korean Society of Translators |
MJU school | Myongji University |
PIA assoc | Pusan Interpreters' Association |
PNU school | Pusan National University |
Abbr | Organization Name |
OIU school | Omdurman Islamic University |
school | Sudan International University |
SQU school | Sultan Qaboos University |
UG school | University of Gezira |
UofK school | University of khartoum |
NVU school | University of Nile Valley |
Abbr | Organization Name |
FAT assoc | Föreningen Auktoriserade Translatorer (Federation of Authorized Translators in Sweden) |
Kammarkollegiet gov't | Kammarkollegiet ( Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency) |
LiU school | Linköpings universitet (Linkoping University) |
LNU school | Linnaeus University |
school | Lund University |
TOLK school | Stockholm University (Stockholms Universitet) |
SFÖ assoc | Sveriges Facköversättarförening (Swedish Association of Professional Translators) |
TISUS other | Test in Swedish for University Studies |
GU school | University of Gothenburg |
UU school | Uppsala Universitet |
Abbr | Organization Name |
ATIDA assoc | Arabic Translation and Intercultural Dialogue |
ASTJ assoc | Association Suisse des Traducteurs Jurés |
ASTTI assoc | Association suisse des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes |
EMCI school | European Masters in Conference Interpreting |
HDS school | Handels- und Dolmetscherschule St.Gallen |
AIIC assoc | International Association of Conference Interpreters |
AITC assoc | International Association of Conference Translators |
LISA assoc of comps | Localization Industry Standards Association |
SAL school | Schule für Angewandte Linguistik |
Textverband assoc | Textverband, Berufsverband der Texterinnen und Texter in der Schweiz / Swiss Copywriters's Association |
UNIGE school | Université de Genève |
ZHAW school | Zurich University of Applied Sciences - Institute of Translation and Interpreting (IUED) |
Abbr | Organization Name |
ATUEA assoc | Association des Traducteurs dans l'Union des Écrivains Arabes |
SAR - MOJ gov't | The Ministry of Justice |
Abbr | Organization Name |
school | National Taiwan Normal University, Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation |
school | Fu Jen University, Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation Studies |
school | National Sun Yat-sen University |
NTU school | National Taiwan University |
TATI assoc | Taiwan Association of Translation and Interpretation |
Wenzao school | Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages |
Abbr | Organization Name |
CHAWATA assoc | Tanzanian Translators' Association/Chama cha Wafasiri wa Tanzania |
UDSM school | University of Dar Es Salaam |
Abbr | Organization Name |
UMA school | University of Manouba |
United Arab Emirates
Abbr | Organization Name |
UAE - MOJ gov't | The Ministry of Justice |
UAE school | United Arab Emirates University |
United Kingdom
United States
Abbr | Organization Name |
CTPU assoc | Colegio de Traductores Públicos del Uruguay |
ANGLO school | Instituto Cultural Anglo-Uruguayo |
IMUC school | Instituto Metodista Universitario Crandon |
UDELAR school | Universidad de la República (Facultad de Derecho) |
school | Universidad de Montevideo |
Abbr | Organization Name |
UZSWLU school | Uzbekistan State University of World Languages |
Abbr | Organization Name |
CONALTI assoc | A.C. Colegio Nacional de Licenciados en Traducción e Interpretación |
AVINC assoc | Asociación Venezolana de Intérpretes de Conferencia |
UCV | ESCUELA DE IDIOMAS MODERNOS, Facultad de Humanidades y Educacion, Universidad Central de Venezuela |
UNIMET school | Escuela de Idiomas Modernos, Universidad Metropolitana |
IUTAV school | Instituto Universitario Tecnológico Américo Vespucio |
MPPRIJ other | Ministerio del Poder Popular para Relaciones Interiores y Justicia |
UAM school | Universidad Arturo Michelena |
UCV school | Universidad Central de Venezuela |
ULA school | Universidad de Los Andes |
Unimar school | Universidad de margarita |
Abbr | Organization Name |
school | DaNang Architecture University |
HANU school | Hanoi University |
HCMUE school | Ho Chi Minh City University of Education |
HUFLIT school | University of Foreign Language & IT Ho Chi Min City |
ULIS - VNU school | University of Languages and International Studies |
HCMUSSH school | University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University - Hồ Chí Minh City |
VNU school | Vietnam National University, Hanoi |
YTCxHCMC assoc | Young Translators Community - Hồ Chí Minh section |
Abbr | Organization Name |
school | Sana'a University |
UST school | University of Science and Technology |
Abbr | Organization Name |
UZ school | University of Zimbabwe, Faculty of Arts, Department of Modern Languages |
Country Not Entered
Abbr | Organization Name |
COMU school | Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University |
DePaul school | DePaul University |
EAU school | East Africa University |
EFSET other | EF Standard English Test |
ELIA assoc | ELIA |
GET assoc | Guilde Europeenne de Traducteurs |
UNICESP school | Instituto Científico de Ensino Superior e Pesquisa |
IUG school | Islamic University of Gaza |
NAJIT assoc | National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators |
SIELE other | Servicio Internacional de Evaluación de la Lengua Española |
SYSU school | Sun Yat-sen University |
SYSU school | Sun Yat-sen University |
CUHK, Department of Tran school | The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Translation |
LISA assoc | The Localization Industry Standards Association |
UFSCar school | Universidade Federal de São Carlos |
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