Society of Authors: Translators Assoc. SoA:TA

Name | Society of Authors: Translators Assoc. |
Abbreviation | SoA:TA |
Organization Type | Association |
Website | |
Contact Name | Dorothy Sym |
Contact Title | The Secretary |
Contact Phone | +020 7373 6642 |
Address | Translators Association 84 Drayton Gardens |
City | London SW10 9SB |
Country | Velká Británie |
Description | The Translators Association (TA) was set up in 1958 as a constituent part of the Society of Authors, a trade union for professional writers which now has more than 7,000 members. The goal was to provide translators with an effective means of protecting their interests and sharing their concerns. The TA is a source of professional advice, a representative for individuals, and an advocate for the profession as a whole. Within the Society, the TA has its own Committee and decision-making structure. ****To join the Translators Association you must have one full-length work, or its equivalent, published or accepted for publication. The TA is part of the Society of Authors. (Same association as TTA) |
Admission Criteria |
Has admission criteria.
Training |
Does not offer training.
Credential |
Offers credential(s).
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