Norsk Oversetterforening (Norwegian Association of Literary Translators) NO

Name Norsk Oversetterforening (Norwegian Association of Literary Translators)
Abbreviation NO
Organization Type Association
Contact Phone +47 22 478090
Contact Fax +47 22 420356
Address Postboks 579 Sentrum
City 0105 Oslo
Country Norsko
Description The Objectives of the Norwegian Association of Literary Translators are to serve as a meeting place for Norwegian literary translators, to strive to enhance the quality of Norwegian translations, to protect the professional and financial interests of Norwegian literary translators as a group and, insofar as possible, to provide assistance to individual members.

Admission to the Association is based on an evaluation of the quality of two published literary translations into Norwegian or Lappish.

The Norwegian Association of Literary Translators is financed by remuneration derived collectively and distributed by the Norwegian Writers� and Translators� Fund. Money from the fund is allocated to the Association�s operation and to its various reserve funds, benefiting translators in the form of individual remuneration, grants and activities.

Admission Criteria Does not have admission criteria (or not applicable).

Training Does not offer training.

Credential Does not offer credential(s).

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