dictionaries / glossaries / background information (university)?
Autor vlákna: Tanja 1
Tanja 1
Tanja 1
Local time: 19:58
němčina -> angličtina
+ ...
Apr 14, 2015

Good morning everyone,

I'm looking for dictionaries / glossaries dealing with terms around universities.

One dictionary I'm working with at the moment is "Begriffe aus Wissenschaft und Hochschule" from the DAAD.

And with different European Glossaries.
Like the ones from http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/education/eurydice/index_en.php.
... See more
Good morning everyone,

I'm looking for dictionaries / glossaries dealing with terms around universities.

One dictionary I'm working with at the moment is "Begriffe aus Wissenschaft und Hochschule" from the DAAD.

And with different European Glossaries.
Like the ones from http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/education/eurydice/index_en.php.

Does anybody have any advice for me which glossaries are useful for in this area?

Does there even exist a mailinglist where to discuss the use of different sources for translating? Like for example posting URLs from different dictionary websites or glossaries? I know that this is forum is launched for this purpose but additionally looking for a forum dealing with the topics of universities - does there exist such a forum?

I just would like to enlarge my range of possibilities to look for different options. I have collected several glossary lists (German and English ones) but I wonder if there exists some sort of „exchange“ to discuss different sources for different parts of research.

I just would like to enlarge my background knowledge about the topic "universities" and the terms which are used in this field...

Does there exist the possibility here at Proz to launch a glossary and receive proposals for terms or translations from other users?

I'm looking at the websites of universities in the UK - apart from this - are there other reading sources which can help me to enlarge my background knowledge in this field?

Thank you very much for your help.


Valeria Uva
Valeria Uva  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:58
Člen (2013)
španělština -> italština
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legal sources Apr 14, 2015

Hi Tanja,
I'm very interested in topic 'university'.

The link you quoted of Eurydice Agency is very good. I know and use it.

For terminology research in this topic legal texts (national lows about higher education, statutes, codes, regulations in force at the universities) are very useful sources as well.

I hope it helps.

Good research!

Michael Beijer
Michael Beijer  Identity Verified
Velká Británie
Local time: 18:58
nizozemština -> angličtina
+ ...
Hi Tanja, Apr 14, 2015

Have you seen this yet: http://www.proz.com/glosspost/ ?

You didn't specify which languages(s) you are interested in.

Good Dutch ones
... See more
Have you seen this yet: http://www.proz.com/glosspost/ ?

You didn't specify which languages(s) you are interested in.

Good Dutch ones:


Also: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/education/eurydice/tese_en.php

There might be a few education-related ones on my own site too: http://wordbook.nl/



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dictionaries / glossaries / background information (university)?

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