The angličtina -> portugalština translators listed below specialize in the field of Zeměměřičství. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.
59 results (paying members)
Freelance Interpreter native in |
Specializes in |
21 |
Medical, pharmaceutical, medical instrument, Punctuality, Timeliness, Trados, SDL Trados, Studio, MemoQ, CAT, ...
22 |
Alberto CartierNative in španělština (Variant: Standard-Spain)  , portugalština (Variant: European/Portugal) 
portuguese, spanish, english, portugues, español, ingles, espanhol, traduccion, interpretacion, translation, ...
23 |
english, portuguese, computers, it, technology, oil, gas, localization, medical, military, ...
24 |
Mechanical Engineering, Auto Industry, Civil Engineering, Steel Industry, Steel Construction, Renewable Energies, Law and Contracts, Art, Literature, Design, ...
25 |
Edna AlmeidaNative in portugalština (Variants: Angolan, European/Portugal, Cape Verdean, Brazilian, Mozambican) 
Translation, interpretation and proofreading services provided in the areas of economics, IT, law, marketing, medicine (general), technical
26 |
translation, editing, proofreading, review, english, portuguese, subtitles, subtitling, transcreation, transcription, ...
27 |
Translator, legal translator, legal translation, legal translations, interpreter, legal interpreter, legal interpreting, legal interpretation, court interpreter, court interpreting, ...
28 |
portuguese, spanish, pharmaceutical, translator, engineering, editing, proofreading, english, law
29 |
translator, tradutor, implantology, implantologia, dental implant, implante dentário, dentistry, dentisteria, english, native portuguese, ...
30 |
all-rounder, applications, apps, architecture, arts, botany, content, crafts, creation, culture, ...
31 |
Brazilian Portuguese, Transcreation, Translation, Copywriting, Subtitling, Proofreading, Editing - Media, Tourism, Communication, Game Industry, ...
32 |
Traduction; Tradución; Legal; Juridique; Jurídica; culture, cultura, tourisme, turismo, voyages, viagens, cinema, TV, médias, mídeas, ...
33 |
Translator, Portuguese, Brazil, Portugal, languages. services, Eduardo, Geraldo.
34 |
airmailrplNative in angličtina (Variant: US)  , portugalština (Variant: Brazilian) 
Technical Translation, Engineering, Project Management, Contract, Electrical translation, Product Brochures, Software Manuals, Tender Documents, Bid Proposals, Operation-Installation-Maintenance-Manuals, ...
35 |
Deutsch Brasilianisch Übersetzung, German to portuguese, Translate machines, Maschinen übersetzen, übersetzung ins brasilianisch, translations, Across, Deutsch portugiesisch übersetzung, traduções alemão para português, Brasilianisches übersetzungs, ...
36 |
Média / multimédia
37 |
Henrique MendesNative in portugalština (Variants: European/Portugal, Brazilian)
portuguese, english, spanish, french, it, software, online, database, philosophy, global, ...
38 |
Idiomy / aforismy / úsloví, Jména (osob, společností), Poezie & literatura, Lingvistika, ...
39 |
European Portuguese, Portuguese, English, French, Spanish, marketing, advertising, fashion, retail, travel, ...
40 |
Folklór, Média / multimédia, Hudba, Lingvistika, ...
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Related sections: Freelance translators
Interpreters, like translators, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. These language specialists must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any texts they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.
Interpreters differ from translators in that they work with spoken words, rather than written text. Interpreting may be done in parallel with the speaker (simultaneous interpreting) or after they have spoken a few sentences or words (consecutive interpreting). Simultaneous interpreting is most often used at international conferences or in courts. Consecutive interpreting is often used for interpersonal communication.
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