Interpreters » angličtina -> korejština » Marketing » Automatizace & robotika

The angličtina -> korejština translators listed below specialize in the field of Automatizace & robotika. For more search fields, try an advanced search by clicking the link to the right.

27 results (paying members)

Freelance Interpreter native in

Specializes in

DJ Lee & CS An
DJ Lee & CS An
Native in korejština Native in korejština
korean, technology, computers, engineering, IT, power, energy, healthcare, English to Korean, legal, ...
Kenny Wang
Kenny Wang
Native in angličtina Native in angličtina
Jaderná technologie/věda, Lingvistika, Automatizace & robotika, Výroba, ...
Hyun Jae Jeoung
Hyun Jae Jeoung
Native in korejština (Variant: South Korea) Native in korejština, angličtina Native in angličtina
Korean translator, Urgent Korean Translation, computer, technology, software, localization, business, marketing, consumer, consumer products, ...
Native in korejština (Variant: South Korea) Native in korejština, angličtina (Variant: Indian) Native in angličtina, hindština Native in hindština, kannadština (kanarese) Native in kannadština (kanarese)
Korean, English, Kannada, Hindi, Translator, Interpreter, Translation, Proofreading, Editing, Interpretation, ...
Native in angličtina Native in angličtina, korejština Native in korejština, japonština Native in japonština
Elektronika / elektrotechnika, Inženýrství (obecně), Geologie, IT (informační technologie), ...
Native in korejština (Variant: South Korea) Native in korejština, angličtina (Variant: US) Native in angličtina
Korean, English, engineering, electrical, computers, semiconductors, IT
Native in korejština Native in korejština
Inženýrství (obecně), Materiály (plasty, keramika atd.), Mechanika / strojní inženýrství, Lodě, plachtění, moře, ...
Juhyeon LEE
Juhyeon LEE
Native in korejština Native in korejština
français, french, france, corée, coréen, korean, interpretation, interprétariat, translation, traduction, ...
Native in vietnamština (Variant: Standard-Vietnam) Native in vietnamština
Agriculture Art, Arts & Crafts, -chem, Ceramics, etc.) Metallurgy / Casting Across, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Aegisub, Alchemy Publisher, ...
Danny Yun
Danny Yun
Native in korejština Native in korejština
Computer, IT, software, hardware, localization, windows, office, audio, camera, photo, ...
Mike Tung
Mike Tung
Native in vietnamština (Variant: Standard-Vietnam) Native in vietnamština
ATA, American Translators Association, ATA Member, Chartered Institute of Linguists, vietnamese, translator, freelance, localization, Vietnamese to English, English to Vietnamese, ...
Kate Kim
Kate Kim
Native in korejština Native in korejština
Architektura, Chemie; Chem. věda/inženýrství, Počítače: software, Elektronika / elektrotechnika, ...
Taegeun Yoon
Taegeun Yoon
Native in korejština Native in korejština
Management, Software, Localization, IT, Law, Logistics, SCM
Mia Nguyen
Mia Nguyen
Native in vietnamština (Variant: Standard-Vietnam) Native in vietnamština
ATA, American Translators Association, ATA Member, Chartered Institute of Linguists, vietnamese, translator, freelance, localization, Vietnamese to English, English to Vietnamese, ...
May Moon
May Moon
Native in korejština Native in korejština
Korean, marketing, advertising, digital, fashion, cosmetics, beauty, luxury, strategy, presentation, ...
Sricha Gupta
Sricha Gupta
Native in hindština (Variants: Shuddha, Khariboli, Indian) Native in hindština, angličtina (Variants: Australian, French, Wales / Welsh, Singaporean, Canadian, New Zealand, Scottish, South African, US South, British, UK, Irish, Indian, Jamaican, US) Native in angličtina
24 hrs available for Multi Language Translation, Typesetting, DTP, Publishing, Transcription, Voice Over, Layout Designing, DTP / Typesetting in Middle East Languages etc.
Jihyeon Choi
Jihyeon Choi
Native in korejština Native in korejština
Versatile in catering to a broad spectrum of industry sectors, ranging from Agriculture to Arts, Automobile, Aviation, Chemical, Education, Fashion, Fire Safety, Government, Information Technology, ...
Translators GLP
Translators GLP
Native in indonéština (Variants: Ngoko, Standard-Indonesia, Javanese) Native in indonéština, angličtina (Variants: UK, US, Singaporean, Australian) Native in angličtina
Machine, Automotive, technology, manufacturing, business, travel, localization, training, marketing, research, ...
Levi Ryu
Levi Ryu
Native in korejština Native in korejština
Law, French, Français, IT, Game, Medical
Alec Derycke
Alec Derycke
Native in nizozemština Native in nizozemština, angličtina Native in angličtina
English, Dutch, Flemish, Translator, Freelance, translation, editing, native

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Interpreters, like translators, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. These language specialists must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any texts they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

Interpreters differ from translators in that they work with spoken words, rather than written text. Interpreting may be done in parallel with the speaker (simultaneous interpreting) or after they have spoken a few sentences or words (consecutive interpreting). Simultaneous interpreting is most often used at international conferences or in courts. Consecutive interpreting is often used for interpersonal communication.