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Interpreting, Translation
angličtina -> španělština, francouzština -> španělština, španělština -> angličtina, and 1 more.
Specializes in
Letectví / kosmonautika / vesmír, Papír / výroba papíru, Vojsko / obrana, and 7 more.
Native in
španělština Native in španělština
We have been working with Corina for a long time. She is professional, friendly, reliable and helpful. We are looking forward to working with her again.
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Corina Díaz (this provider)

Thanks for this comment. It is always a pleasure to work for EC Innovations, as PM's are always on top of things, getting clear indications from customers and liaising with translators so that everybody's work and needs are humanely and professionally met

A highly skilled translator, who pays attention to detail. A welcome member of the TM translation team, helpful, flexible and also very friendly. Highly recommended.

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