Interpreters » ruština -> angličtina

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408 results (paying members)

Freelance Interpreter native in

Specializes in

Natalia Postrigan
Natalia Postrigan
Native in ruština Native in ruština
Tourism, Travel, Investments, Securities, Human Resources, HR, computers, Government, Politics, Cosmetics, ...
Native in ruština Native in ruština, tatarština Native in tatarština
science, technology, GIS, geology, oil&gas, medicine, pharmaceutics, power engineering, IT, math, ...
Almash Dzhorobaeva
Almash Dzhorobaeva
Native in kyrgyzština Native in kyrgyzština, ruština Native in ruština, uzbečtina Native in uzbečtina
Russian, English, Kirghiz, business, finance, marketing, project, construction, law, patent, ...
Pavel Silenchuk
Pavel Silenchuk
Native in ruština Native in ruština
movie, film, dub, dubbing, subtitling, sub, subtitle, voiceover, voice-over, voice over, ...
Native in ruština Native in ruština, angličtina Native in angličtina
subtitles, scripts, film, television, EPK, promos, pitches, loglines, interviews, editorials, ...
Native in angličtina Native in angličtina
Ekonomie, Vláda / politika, Historie, Mezinárodní organizace/rozvoj/spolupráce, ...
Zachary Lorang
Zachary Lorang
Native in angličtina Native in angličtina
russian, spanish, english, medical, HR, human resources, proofreading, management, personnel, onboarding, ...
Elizabeth Adams
Elizabeth Adams
Native in angličtina Native in angličtina
Russian, English, business, marketing, law, legal, court rulings, filings, discovery, journalism, ...
Igor Romani Fracalossi
Igor Romani Fracalossi
Native in portugalština (Variant: Brazilian) Native in portugalština, španělština (Variant: Argentine) Native in španělština, francouzština (Variants: Standard-France, Swiss) Native in francouzština, italština Native in italština
Vzdělávání / pedagogika, Kosmetika, péče o krásu, Umění, umělecká řemesla, malířství, Antropologie, ...
Rostyslav Panichev
Rostyslav Panichev
Native in ukrajinština (Variant: Standard-Ukraine) Native in ukrajinština, ruština (Variant: Standard-Russia) Native in ruština
Botanika, Podnikání/obchod (obecně), Chemie; Chem. věda/inženýrství, Energie / výroba energie, ...
Lela Pavliashvili
Lela Pavliashvili
Native in gruzínština Native in gruzínština, ruština Native in ruština
Elektronika / elektrotechnika, Automobily / auta & kamióny, Marketing / průzkum trhu, Ropná technologie/věda, ...
Dmitry Lepeiko
Dmitry Lepeiko
Native in běloruština Native in běloruština, ruština Native in ruština
English, German, Russian, Belarusian, IT, computers, technology, software, localization, oil, ...
Translation Agency "Mankent", LLP
Translation Agency "Mankent", LLP
Native in kazaština Native in kazaština, uzbečtina Native in uzbečtina, ruština Native in ruština
IT, translator, freelancer, Kazakh, Uzbek, Russian, Software Localization, Microsoft, CAT tool, martketing, ...
Anton Fedorchuk
Anton Fedorchuk
Native in ruština Native in ruština, ukrajinština (Variant: Standard-Ukraine) Native in ukrajinština
English, Russian, Ukrainian, Clinical trials, Pharmacology, Medicine, Surgery, Oncology, Английский, Русский, ...
Elena Kuznetsova
Elena Kuznetsova
Native in ruština 
Radiolectronics, radar, construction, shipbuilding, IT-technologies, software, localization, marketing, market research, management, ...
Native in ruština 
tour-guide Moscow, interpreting, geology, oil and gas, business, tourism, travel to Moscow, art, education, technical filed training, ...
Alexey Spasskiy
Alexey Spasskiy
Native in ruština 
russian, translation
Natalia Maltseva (X)
Natalia Maltseva (X)
Native in ruština 
Internet, e-Commerce, Počítače: systémy, sítě, Počítače: software, Žurnalistika, ...
Alexander Ivashkevich
Alexander Ivashkevich
Native in ruština 
translation, english, russian, russia, kaliningrad, europe, interpreter, advice, e-commerce, english to russian translator, ...
Vanda Nissen
Vanda Nissen
Native in ruština 
russian translator Australia, NAATI certified Russian, NAATI accredited Ukrainian, naati recognized ukrainian, NAATI Ukrainian, NAATI Russian, NAATI accredited Russian, russian legal translator Australia, law, marketing, ...

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Interpreters, like translators, enable communication across cultures by translating one language into another. These language specialists must thoroughly understand the subject matter of any texts they translate, as well as the cultures associated with the source and target language.

Interpreters differ from translators in that they work with spoken words, rather than written text. Interpreting may be done in parallel with the speaker (simultaneous interpreting) or after they have spoken a few sentences or words (consecutive interpreting). Simultaneous interpreting is most often used at international conferences or in courts. Consecutive interpreting is often used for interpersonal communication.