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English to Portuguese - Rates: 0.02 - 0.02 USD per word Portuguese to English - Rates: 0.02 - 0.02 USD per word Spanish to Portuguese - Rates: 0.02 - 0.02 USD per word Spanish to English - Rates: 0.02 - 0.02 USD per word Portuguese - Rates: 0.02 - 0.02 USD per word
Spanish to English: Health knowledge, health behaviors and attitudes during pandemic emergencies: A systematic review General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical (general)
Source text - Spanish En contexto de pandemias, las evidencias de literatura sugieren que las personas que reportan altos niveles de conocimiento sobre pandemias (definición, desarrollo, severidad) ligado a algunos aspectos de la enfermedad (transmisión, prevención, causas) presentan un aumento en la practicas de medidas preventivas, tales como el lavado de manos, el uso de elementos de bioseguridad (máscaras, guantes, desinfectantes), evitar aglomeraciones, cubrirse el rostro al toser o estornudar y buscar ayuda médica en caso de presentar síntomas (7, 8). Asimismo, un adecuado conocimiento sobre pandemias e información general en salud ayuda a corregir conceptos erróneos sobre circunstancias relacionadas con las pandemias, incrementando la percepción de susceptibilidad frente al riesgo de infección y mejorando la autoeficacia de la autoprotección (9,10). No obstante, se observan algunas inconsistencias en el amplio campo de investigación en salud pública durante periodos pandémicos. La evaluación del conocimiento parece enfocarse en información explícita y general sobre si las personas saben o no de la definición, causas y prevención de una pandemia, sin indagarse si este conocimiento se vincula, al mismo tiempo, con una apropiación individual y pública sobre los temas generales y específicos en salud, asociado a un compromiso personal por cuidarse y aportar en el cuidado colectivo (11, 12). Así, las investigaciones se han centrado en el análisis exclusivamente transversal de estos resultados y no han explorado si saber sobre información general, especifica y objetiva en salud, podrían influir en la adopción de comportamientos, practicas o actitudes de prevención y protección durante el período de la infección y posterior a este (13, 14).
Translation - English In the pandemics’ context, the literature evidence suggests that people who report high levels of knowledge about pandemics (definition, development, severity) linked to some aspects of the disease (transmission, prevention, causes) present an increase in the preventive measures practice, such as hand washing, the use of biosafety elements (masks, gloves, disinfectants), avoiding crowds, covering the face when coughing or sneezing, and seeking medical help in case of symptoms [7, 8]. Likewise, adequate knowledge about pandemics and general health information helps to correct misconceptions about circumstances related to pandemics, increasing the perception of susceptibility against the infection risk and improving the self-efficacy of self-protection [9, 10]. However, there are some inconsistencies in the field of health knowledge research during pandemic periods. The knowledge evaluation seems to focus on explicit and general information people have about knowledge’s definition, causes and prevention of a pandemic, without investigating if this knowledge is linked, at the same time, with individual and public appropriation on the general and specific issues in health, associated with a personal commitment to take care of themselves and contribute to collective care [11, 12]. Thus, the investigations have focused on the exclusively cross-sectional analysis of these results and have not explored if knowing about general, specific, and objective health information could influence in the adoption of behaviors, practices or attitudes prevention and protection during the infection period and after that [13, 14].
Portuguese to English: Cognitive Social Structures in Context of High School Classroom General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Psychology
Source text - Portuguese Resumo
A estrutura social cognitiva mapeia as relações sociais percebidas pelos atores. Este estudo caracteriza o padrão de rede social de uma sala de aula de ensino médio e verifica a percepção de laços e a precisão das relações sociais relatadas por 23 alunos. As análises das agregações da estrutura social cognitiva verificaram a densidade desses relacionamentos. A maioria dos participantes apresenta vulnerabilidades e a análise dos conglomerados de dados estruturais da rede demonstra diferentes percepções de densidade e modularidade. Nossos resultados diferem da pouca literatura na área quanto a maior precisão em sujeitos com menor centralidade de grau e intermediação.
Palavras-chave: Estrutura social cognitiva; adolescente; confiabilidade dos dados; deficiência; escola
Translation - English Abstract
Cognitive social structure maps the social relationships perceived by actors. This study characterizes the social network pattern of a high school classroom and verifies the perceived ties and the accuracy of social relationships reported by 23 students. Analyses of the cognitive social structure aggregations verified the density of these relationships. Most participants show vulnerabilities, and conglomerate analysis of network structural data shows different perceptions of density and modularity. Our results differ from the limited literature in the area regarding higher accuracy in subjects with a lower centrality degree and intermediation.
Keywords: Cognitive social structure; adolescent; data reliability; deficiency; school
English to Portuguese: Existential fear and existential hope: Reading biblical apocalyptic in an age of anxiety General field: Social Sciences Detailed field: Religion
Source text - English Even before COVID-19, the world had long been suffering a crisis of hope. Forces are at work, it seems, that we have no control over. Uncertainty—the sense that something has gone wrong worldwide—has brought about a general existential fear. Only 6 percent of people in the United States, 4 percent in Great Britain, and 3 percent in France think the world is getting better.1
This current existential crisis should, therefore, have a significant impact on how biblical apocalyptic is preached. Its eschatological outlook provides an important resource for navigating this time of uncertainty because it answers the fundamental questions posed by the crises that we face.
Translation - Portuguese Antes mesmo do COVID-19, o mundo enfrentava uma crise de esperança. Forças estão engajadas, ao que parece, para que não exerçamos controle. A incerteza — impressão de que algo deu errado no mundo — provocou um medo existencial geral. Apenas 6% das pessoas nos Estados Unidos, 4% na Grã-Bretanha e 3% na França consideram que o mundo está melhorarando.1
Logo, esta crise existencial atual terá um grande impacto na forma como o apocalíptico bíblico é pregado. A perspectiva escatológica constitui um recurso importante para atravessar este momento de incerteza, pois responde às questões fundamentais levantadas pelas crises.
English to Portuguese: Boa noite, filho = a história e as lições da vida de Henry White General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - English pRom THE font of type Henry Nichols White -L chose one letter, then another and another. With the tiny metal blocks he built words. Be¬tween words he positioned spacers. He added more letters, more words, more spacers. Each let¬ter contributed its part to a sentence, a paragraph, an article. Though his young fingers raced, the articles grew slowly; one alphabet letter, then an¬other, a period and a spacer.
Henry rubbed his tired eyes, not caring that the action left streaks of black ink on his face. Across the room Uncle Stephen Belden and George Ama¬don worked over a hand press whose simplicity would today suggest a child's toy. In bib apron the men pulled the handle up and pushed the handle down. The old press spoke in its own tongue: squeak-groan—first the squeak and then the groan. For three full days the two men had pulled and tugged the handle up and down; squeak-groan, squeak-groan. The stack of papers called the Ad-vent Review and Sabbath Herald mounted. Henry knew that tomorrow they would be folded and mailed.
Translation - Portuguese DO tipo de fonte Henry Nichols White escolheu uma letra, e outra e outra. Com os pequenos blocos de metal ele construiu palavras. Entre as palavras ele posicionou espaços. Adicionou mais letras, mais palavras, mais espaços. Cada letra contribuiu para uma sentença, um parágrafo, um artigo. Apesar desses jovens dedos correrem, os artigos aumentavam devagar; uma letra do alfabeto, e outra, um ponto final e um espaço.
Henry esfregou os olhos cansados, sem se importar que a ação deixava traços de tinta preta em seu rosto. Do outro lado da sala, Tio Stephen Belden e George Ama¬don trabalhavam em uma prensa manual cuja simplicidade sugeriria hoje um brinquedo infantil. De avental, os homens puxavam a alavanca para cima e a empurravam para baixo. A antiga prensa tinha sua própria linguagem: guincho-grunhido — primeiro o guincho, depois o grunhido. Durante três dias inteiros os dois homens puxaram e empurraram a alavanca para cima e para baixo; guincho-grunhido, guincho-grunhido. A pilha de papéis chamada Ad¬vent Review and Sabbath Herald (Revista Adventista e Arauto do Sábado) aumentava. Henry sabia que no dia seguinte eles seriam dobrados e enviados.
Portuguese to English: Um presente de Natal especial General field: Art/Literary Detailed field: Poetry & Literature
Source text - Portuguese Léo morava numa casa grande e tinha muitos brinquedos, mas não tinha muitos amigos.
Os pais do menino trabalhavam muito e ele ficava a maior parte do tempo com a babá. Mesmo de folga e até nas férias, os pais de Léo trabalhavam.
Sentar para brincar com Léo era raridade. Um momento em família então… só em datas comemorativas. Uma delas estava chegando, o Natal se aproximava.
— Léo, você já escreveu sua cartinha para o Papai Noel? — perguntou sua mãe.
— Ainda não, mamãe — respondeu Léo.
— Pois então escreva logo. Se demorar muito o Papai Noel não terá tempo de comprar seu presente! — alertou sua mãe.
— Tá bom, mamãe.
Translation - English Léo lived in a big house and had many toys, but few friends.
The boy's parents worked a lot, and he spent most of his time with the nanny. Even on their days off and even on vacation, Léo's parents worked.
Sitting down to play with Léo was rare. Family time then... only on holidays! One of them was coming up: Christmas.
"Léo, have you written your letter to Santa yet?" asked his mother.
"Not yet, Mom," replied Léo.
"Well, write it soon. If you take too long, Santa won't have time to buy your gift!" warned his mother.
"Okay, Mom".
Translation education
Other - Brasillis
Years of experience: 15. Registered at Sep 2010.
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Translating, editing and proofreading in the language pairs
English-Portuguese, Portuguese-English, Spanish-Portuguese and Spanish-English.
Books translated and published on Amazon in the fields of literature,
children's literature, spirituality and education. Scientific articles in the
field of health, published in PubMed.
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